Network Layer
application transport network link physical message segment packet frame signal Network Architecture
Source Destination Transport packet from SOURCE to DESTINATION through intermediate ROUTERS. ROUTING: determine a path from source to destination & route packets along path. ADDRESSING: uniquely identify each node in network SERVICE: bandwidth, delay, errors, ordering, congestion Network Layer Goals
Data Flow Across Layers All hosts & routers have a network layer HostA HostB HostC HostD Router
Implementing Protocol on Data Layer accepts data from above Layer adds NEW header information Layer passes NEW data to layer below
Switchboard Operator
Virtual Circuit Service Model One path, dedicated resources, consistent, expensive, fragile
Origins of Internet
Packet Switching Service Model Many paths, no dedicated resources, inconsistent, inexpensive, robust
Dijkstra’s Algorithm Example I StepND(B),P(B)D(C),P(C)D(D), P(D)D(E),P(E)D(F), P(F) START FINISH A -> F
Dijkstra’s Algorithm Example II StepND(B),P(B)D(C),P(C)D(D),P(D)D(E),P(E)D(F),P(F)D(G),P(G)D(H),P(H)D(I),P(I) START FINISH A -> H
Dijkstra’s Algorithm Example III StepND(B),P(B)D(C),P(C)D(D),P(D)D(E),P(E)D(F),P(F) B A C D E F
IP Addressing
Six IP Networks server client
IP Packet Format
IP Raw Bytes version: header length: service type: total packet length: identifier: flags (3 bits): fragment offset (13 bits): time to live: upper layer protocol: checksum: source ip: destination ip:
Ethereal Analysis
netstat –r Analysis Microsoft Windows XP [Version ] (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\bdugan>netstat -r Route Table =========================================================================== Interface List 0x MS TCP Loopback interface 0x a1 7b Com 3C920 Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller ( 3C905C-TX Compatible) - Eacfilt Miniport 0x Nortel IPSECSHM Adapter - Eacfilt Miniport =========================================================================== Active Routes: Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric Default Gateway: =========================================================================== Persistent Routes: None C:\Documents and Settings\bdugan>
Solve OSPF Scalability Problem