Psychopathology Psychopaths & Psychotics
Personality Disorders Class of disorders marked by personality traits that cause subjective distress or impair functioning DSM-IV-TR identifies 10 personality disorders Emerge early in childhood and continue to adulthood
Antisocial Personality Disorder Impulsive, manipulative, aggressive, & irresponsible behavior with a failure to accept social norms “Psychopaths” Criminal careers begin early Starts as conduct disorder ?
A-SPD: Etiology Genes-Environment Felon-moms have felon kids…but, only for those who spent time in orphanages Neurology – Under-arousal Hypothesis – Fearless Hypothesis
Histrionic Personality Overly dramatic, attention-seeking, self-centered, seductive, & vain – More common in women than men
HPD: Etiology A female version of APD – Two-thirds of people with HPD meet criteria for APD
Schizophrenia Class of disorders marked by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and maladaptive behavior – “Psychotic” – Literally means “split mind”
Schizophrenia Positive Symptoms Positive Symptoms Symptoms that are in excess of or distortions of normal behavior
Positive Symptoms Delusions False beliefs Hallucinations Sensory experiences without environmental input
Schizophrenia Positive Symptoms Positive Symptoms Symptoms that are in excess of or distortions of normal behavior Negative Symptoms Negative Symptoms Deficits in normal behavior
Negative Symptoms Apathetic Lack of Speech Anhedonia
Schizophrenia Positive Symptoms Positive Symptoms Symptoms that are in excess of or distortions of normal behavior Negative Symptoms Negative Symptoms Deficits in normal behavior Disorganized Symptoms Disorganized Symptoms Erratic/inappropriate speech, behavior, and/or emotion
Disorganized Symptoms Speech (word salad) Inappropriate Affect Catatonia (motor dysfunction)
Schizophrenia Positive Symptoms Positive Symptoms Symptoms that are in excess of or distortions of normal behavior Negative Symptoms Negative Symptoms Deficits in normal behavior Disorganized Symptoms Disorganized Symptoms Erratic/inappropriate speech, behavior, and/or emotion
Types of Schizophrenia Paranoid Dominated by delusions Catatonic Dominated by motor disturbances Disorganized Dominated by maladaptive behavior and specific delusions Undifferentiated A mixture of schizophrenic symptoms
Schizophrenia: Etiology Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis – Schizophrenia is due to abnormalities during early brain development and precipitating event(s) – Season-of-birth effect