7 th Grade Do page 1,2,4,6,8 for Homework Tonight Circle these in your Family Life Packet Reproductive Anatomy
Changes during Puberty Page 3 Decide if these are changes during puberty. Write Y or N. Also, does this happen to Males or Females. Write M or F. 1. Hormone action increases, bringing about body changes. 2. Rapid changes in height and weight take place. 3. Voices get higher. 4. Growth of body hair begins. 5. Breasts develop. 6. Sweat glands are no longer active. 7. Shoulders widen.
Changes during Puberty Page 3 cont. Decide if these are changes during puberty. Write Y or N. Also, does this happen to Males or Females. Write M or F. 8. The reproductive organs begin to function. 9. Nocturnal emissions are common. 10. Menstruation begins. 11. Changes in mood take place more often. 12. Girls and boys are less interested in each other. 13. There is an increased feeling of independence. 14. Interests and friendships change.
Read and highlight p.4 For homework, complete the chart and scramble
Male Anatomy- Copy labels carefully
Male Anatomy Penis- Male sex and Urinary organ Rectum- Last Segment of the large intestine Urethra- Duct through which urine and semen are discharged Scrotum- External pouch that holds contains the testicles Urinary Bladder- Stores Urine Pubic Bone Bone that protects the system
Male Anatomy Testis or Testicle- Gland in the male the produces sperm Held away from the body for ideal sperm production temperature Epididymis- Sperm ducts of the testicle Vas Deferens- Duct that allows sperm to pass from the testicles Seminal Vesicle- Stores Semen Prostate Gland- Secretes fluid that is discharged with sperm Cowper’s Gland- Secretes mucous substance during sexual excitement Pre-ejaculate
Male Physiology The penis fills with blood be become to erect. An erection is when the penis becomes rigid. The testis produce sperm, the male contribution to embryos. Unlike eggs, sperm are constantly being produced. The sperm travels through several ducts in order to create the protective fluid, semen. Semen leaves the body through a process called ejaculation. Ejaculation during sleep is normal and called nocturnal emission or a wet dream. Semen and Urine both leave the body through urethra.
Copy on p.5 or 6 Erection- penis fills with blood, becomes erect/rigid Ejaculation-when semen (sperm and fluid) leave the penis Check testes for lumps monthly (testicular cancer)
Complete p.6 for Homework You may use this Powerpoint on schoolwires to answer the questions
Female Anatomy-Copy p.7 clitoris
FEMALE ANATOMY Urinary Bladder- Stores urine Vaginal Opening- Base of the Vagina that opens to external sex organ Pubic Bone- Bone that Protects the opening Rectum- Last segment of the large intestine Urethra- Duct through which ONLY urine is discharged Labia- Flaps of skin that protect the vagina Vulva- Proper name for the female external reproductive organs Clitoris- organ for sexual stimulation
Female Anatomy Ovary- Gland in female that produces eggs and sex hormones Females are born with all the eggs they will have Fallopian Tube- Tube through which the eggs travels from the ovary to the uterus Uterus- Organ in which fetus grows and develops until birth Endometrium- Lining of the uterus Shed monthly causing menstruation Cervix- Narrow end of the uterus which opens into the vagina Vagina- Passage that leads from the uterus to the external sex organ
Add to p.7 or 8: Labia- external flaps of skin that protect vagina Endometrium- lining of the uterus (shed monthly) Check breasts monthly for lumps (breast cancer)
Female physiology Female reproductive cell is the ovum (egg). Girls are born with about 400,000 ova. Only about 400 mature. One is released from the ovary each month, causes menstruation each month. Fallopian tubes are 4-6 inches. The ends contain cilia that have a sweeping motion that grabs the released ovum and carries it to the uterus. If fertilized embryo embeds in the endometrium and develops into a fetus. Shed lining and developed fetuses pass through the vagina. There is a thin membrane at the opening of the vagina called the hymen.
Complete p.8 for Homework You may use this Powerpoint on schoolwires to answer the questions
Page 9- Menstrual Cycle Box 1: Ovulation- egg released from ovary Box 2: Fertilization can occur if sperm present Box 3: Menstruation-endometrium is shed “period” Box4: If fertilization occurs, it will develop into a zygote, an embryo, fetus, and finally a baby!
Add page # to the bottom of the rest of the pages On Page 10 Copy this title: Journal Write #1 HW due Monday Write about any of the following for the full page: What have you learned about puberty in boys and girls? Is is still scary? Ask your parents what they remember about being a preteen/teen. What advice can they give you?