Human Reproduction.


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Presentation transcript:

Human Reproduction

Human Reproduction Both sexes have gonads (organs that produce gametes) Ducts to store and deliver gametes Structures to facilitate copulation

Female Reproductive Anatomy

Ovaries – site of gamete production Follicles – each consists of a single developing egg cell surrounded by tissue to nourish it Ovulation – egg cell is ejected from the follicle Corpus luteum – remaining follicular tissue after ovulation Oviduct – (fallopian tube) where cilia sweep the egg toward the uterus – fertilization may take place here – where an ectopic pregnancy occurs

Female Reproductive Anatomy

Uterus – actual site of pregnancy – grows to accommodate the developing fetus Endometrium – blood-rich layer of tissue that lines the uterus – where an embryo would implant and develop in normal pregnancy Embryo – from zygote to about 9 weeks Fetus – from 9 weeks to birth

Female Reproductive Anatomy

Cervix – narrow neck at the bottom of the uterus Vagina – birth canal – where sperm are deposited Vulva – outer structures of the female anatomy Urethra – tube through which urine is excreted Labia minora – skin folds that border the opening to vagina Labia majora – fatty skin folds that protect the genital region Hymen – thin membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening Clitoris – short shaft supporting a rounded glans – very sensitive due to numerous nerve endings

Male Reproductive Anatomy

Penis – (contains erectile tissue that can fill with blood and cause an erection during sexual arousal) – shaft that supports a glans – (very sensitive due to numerous nerve endings) Testes – male gonads located outside the body in the scrotum Scrotum – sac that holds testes away from the body (lower temperature) for proper development and function of sperm. Epididymis – store sperm while they finish development Ejaculation – expulsion of sperm containing fluid from the penis.

Male Reproductive Anatomy

Pathway of sperm during Ejaculation Leave epididymis Vas deferens – duct Seminal vesicles and prostate gland add nourishing fluid to sperm and provides protection from acidic vagina Empties into urethra (carries both semen and urine out of the penis) Semen – about 5 mL, 95% fluid from glands and 5% sperm cells