Chapter 1: Computer Basics Learning Objectives: Understand the purpose and elements of information systems Recognize the different types of computers Distinguish the main software types Identify the components of a computer system Understand how computers communicate
Understanding Information Systems Information system: An interconnected environment for managing and processing data using a computer
Parts of an information system 1.People: the only reason computers exist is to help people accomplish their goals. 2.Hardware: is the physical part of the computer system. Hardware consists of components inside a computer as well as the external devices that interact with it. 3.Software: programs that tells the hardware what to do. 4.Procedures: The software doesn’t run itself (usually). People must interact with the computer to tell it what software to run. 5.Data: Computer programs operate upon the data they receive.
Computer Types Computers can be generally categorized into: Personal Computers Desktop PCs Notebook PCs (Laptop) Tablet PCs Smartphones Multi-User Computers Server Mainframes Supercompurters
Computer Types Personal Computer: A computer designed to be used by only one person at a time. Desktop PC System unit, separate monitor, keyboard, mouse Notebook PC Fold-up design, built-in keyboard and screen Tablet PC Slate design, touch screen, no separate keyboard, mouse, or monitor Smartphone Hand-held, phone and computer, touch screen
Computer Types
Other personal computer types *
Computer Types Multi-User Computers: are designed to serve groups of people, from a small office to a huge international enterprise Server Serves and supports a network Provides centrally accessible storage space Shares resources such as printers and files Does not directly provide processing power to clients Mainframe Collects large amounts of business data Provides processing support to terminals Supercomputer Largest computer available Universities, research, government
Servers and Mainframes
Software Types Software: are the programs that tell the computer what to do. Operating System (OS): the program that manages all the computer’s activities after startup. User interface Runs application File storage Communication with hardware Examples Windows Mac OS Unix
Application Software Application Software: Software that helps a human perform a useful task for work or play. Examples: Productivity tools, graphics, games, multimedia software Productivity software: Software that helps a human perform one or more business or personal enrichment tasks. Usually comes as a suite: A group of applications designed to complement each other’s capabilities and work together closely, often with a consistent interface between the applications. Example: MS Office
Software Types Utilities: Software that performs some useful service to the operating system, Error correction, optimization, protection Basic Input Output System (BIOS) Read-only chip on motherboard Startup instructions for computer
Information Processing Cycle Every computer system is made up of multiple electronic components. Information Processing Cycle The four-step process that data moves through as it is processed by a computer components. Consists of input, processing, output, and storage
Information Processing Cycle Input: Components that help humans put data into the computer. Examples include a keyboard, mouse, and touch screen. Processing: Components that move and process the data inside the computer. The motherboard and its processor and memory chips fall into this category. Output: Components that provide the results of the processing to humans. The monitor is the primary output device; other examples include printers and speakers. Storage: Components that store software and data until it is needed. Storage components include hard drives, USB flash drives, and DVDs.
How Data is Represented The smallest unit of data in a computer is a bit. A bit is a single binary digit, with either a 1 (on) or 0 (off) value. Eight bits can combine to make a byte, which is an 8- digit binary number.
Common Quantities of Bytes TermNumber of Bytes Kilobyte (KB)1024 (approximately one thousand Megabyte (MB)1,048,576 (approximately one million) Gigabyte (GB)1,073,741,824 (approximately one billion) Terabyte (TB)1,099,411,627,776 (approximately one trillion) Petabyte (PB)1,125,899,906,842,6624 (approximately one quadrillion)
Input, Processing, Output and Storage Components
Input, Output and Storage Devices Input Devices: provide a way to get data into the computer. Keyboard, pointing devices, digital cameras, scanners, bar code readers… Output Devices: Information comes out of a computer through an output device. Monitor, printer, speakers… Storage Devices: enable software and data to be preserved and reused. Storage can be either removable or non-removable. Hard drive, USB flash drive, CD, DVD,…
Processing Devices Motherboard: A large circuit board inside a computer that controls the operations of all other components. CPU: The chip in the computer that performs math calculations, processing data. Also called the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Memory: Temporary electronic storage that holds the values of data bits using transistors. Buses: A conductive pathway built into a circuit board, used to move data. Chipset : The controller chip on a circuit board.
Processing Devices Motherboard Central Processing Unit (CPU) / Processor Memory Buses
How Computers Communicate Communication technology has advanced greatly, and there are many choices for making computers connect to one another. A network is a group of computers that share resources (such as printers or Internet service) and/or data (such as files). Most computers today are part of one or more networks.
Ethernet Networking Ethernet networking: The current dominant standard for local area networking devices. Wired Ethernet Wireless Wi-Fi (IEEE ) Network Hardware Network Adapter: A hardware component that enables a computer to connect to a network. Also known as a Network interface card (NIC) Router: A connection box for Ethernet networks that physically joins the devices in the network (wired) or provides wireless connectivity (wireless), and enables a connection to an outside network such as the Internet.
Other Ways Computers Communicate Bluetooth: Short-range personal networking used primarily to connect wireless devices directly to specific computers.
The Internet Internet: is the world’s largest network. When you use the Internet, your computer becomes a member of this giant network, and you can communicate with any other computer on the Internet. ISP (Internet service provider): company that maintains a direct connection to the Internet and leases access to it to individuals and companies. Broadband: A fast, always-on network connection.
Key Terms application software backbone BIOS bit Bluetooth broadband buses byte chipset client/server desktop PC Ethernet fiber optic cable global positioning system (GPS) hard drive hardware information processing cycle information system Internet Internet service provider (ISP) keyboard mainframe memory Microsoft Office monitor motherboard netbook network network adapter notebook PC operating system (OS) peer-to-peer personal computer (PC) pointing device processor productivity software router server server farm smartphone software Software as a Service suite supercomputer switch system unit tablet PC Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) utility software Wi-Fi
Summary 1.What are the five parts of an information system? 2.What is the difference between a server and a mainframe? 3.What distinguishes an operating system from an application? 4.What are the four parts of the information processing cycle? 5.What is Wi-Fi and what equipment does it require?