NUTRITION MATH Pick your activity level and put the caloric intake on the first line Gender Age (years) Sedentary Moderately Active Active Female ,800 2,0002,400 Male ,200 2, ,800 2, ,200
Write the caloric intake (2000) on the next 3 lines and multiply by the percentage for each nutrient for energy 55-60% - Carbohydrates 2000 x.60 = 1200 calories No more than 30% Fat 2000 x.30 = 600 calories 12-15% Protein 2000 x.15 = 300 calories Write the name of the fast food restaurant on Food for_____________________________
On the back of your sheet make a table that looks like this. FOOD ITEMS CarbsProteinFats TOTALS
FOOD ITEMS Carbs (g)Protein (g) Fats (g) Onion rings Chocolate Shake /3 lb. All Natural Burger TOTALS 314 grams 51 grams 108 grams Look at one of the fast food menus. Write down ALL food items you would purchase for lunch (Carls Jrs) by nutrients in GRAMS Total each nutrient at the bottom
Write the total of each nutrient in the space provided and multiply by the conversion factor provided CarbsProteinFats TOTALS 314 grams 51 grams 108 grams Total Grams of Carbs 314 x 4 = 1364 Total Grams of Fat 108 x 9 = Total grams of Protein 51 x 4 = +204 Total # of calories consumed 2540
Compare your totals from the beginning Total Caloric intake by activity level 2000 calories per day. I ate 2540 calories in one meal 55-60% - Carbohydrates 2000 x.60 = 1200 I ate 1364 calories No more than 30% Fat 2000 x.30 = 600 I ate 972 calories 12-15% Protein 2000 x.15 = 300 calories I ate 204 calories
Energy vs Calories Burned Look at the exercise factor sheet and choose the activity you do the most. Put the decimal number on the first line (Walking 3.5 mph.035) Put your body weight 118 multiply by exercise factor x.035 = 4.13 How many minutes did you do that activity 55 min 118 x.035 = 4.13 x 55 min= calories burned I ate 2540 for my one meal and burned off 227 calories. Did I balance food intake with exercise?
PROJECT Keep track of what you ate in one day. You can keep track of what you actually ate and go to the same website you used for your carbohydrate lab ( OR Look up the nutritional facts on the web to your favorite restaurant. Write down everything you would order for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Do the Nutrition Math for a day. Keep the worksheet from today to help you. Complete Level 2 and 3 questions for Nutrition