#SummitNow Integrating Alfresco with portals 6 th November 2013 Piergiorgio Lucidi
#SummitNow Piergiorgio Lucidi Open Source ECM Specialist at Sourcesense Alfresco Trainer / Engineer / Wiki Gardener / Star Alfresco Community Star Alfresco Global Moderator of the italian forum Author / Technical Reviewer at Packt Publishing PMC Member / Mentor at Apache Software Foundation Project Leader in the JBoss Community
#SummitNow Overview Introducing portals Introducing standard portlets Implementing portlets Alfresco Web Services API Spring WebScripts OpenCMIS Spring Surf
#SummitNow Overview Introducing portals Introducing standard portlets Implementing portlets Alfresco Web Services API Spring WebScripts OpenCMIS Spring Surf
#SummitNow Introducing portals An overview about the basics and the standards of portals
#SummitNow What is a portal? A portal is a web application focused on Creating dynamic website Page-centric approach Aggregation of contents Enterprise Services
#SummitNow What is a portal? A portal is a web application focused on Creating dynamic website user oriented and extremely dynamic fragments Page-centric approach Aggregation of contents Enterprise Services
#SummitNow What is a portal? A portal is a web application focused on Creating dynamic website Page-centric approach Each page hosts presentation layer apps Portlets Apps (wrapping using bridge framework) Gadgets (based on XML and JavaScript) Aggregation of contents Enterprise Services
#SummitNow What is a portal? A portal is a web application focused on Creating dynamic website Page-centric approach Aggregation of contents Enterprise Services
#SummitNow What is a portal? A portal is a web application focused on Creating dynamic website Page-centric approach Aggregation of contents Enterprise Services Authentication Authorization Personalization Export / Import APIs for integrations
#SummitNow What is a portal?
#SummitNow What is a portal? A portlet is an application that c ontains specific business logic Provides a fragment of content The output depends on user permissions Potentially the fragment could be dynamic for each user A permission can be given for The entire portal Page Portlet
#SummitNow What is a portal? An app is a wrapper of a portlet and it can be implemented using Pure Java JSF Spring MVC Spring WebScripts GWT Struts So on…
#SummitNow What is a portal? – User roles
#SummitNow What is a portlet container? A portlet container is a runtime framework Manages the execution of portlet requests Provides user session mechanism Check permissions for different scope levels Portal Page Portlet Implements JSR-286 Java Portlet Specification 2.0JSR-286 Java Portlet Specification 2.0 Can be embedded in any JEE application Portlet requests can be executed against non-web contexts The web context is a detail!
#SummitNow What is a portlet container? Portal A Portlet 1 Portlet 2 Portlet 3 Portal B Portlet 4 Portlet 5 Portal C Portlet 6
#SummitNow Why use a portal? You may want a portal for Creating custom and dynamic websites Providing personalized contents Providing features for personalizing sections Integrating different systems with a unique frontend Providing valuable services for your customers/users Private access Profiled informations E-commerce Advanced editing Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
#SummitNow Why use a portal with Alfresco Portal aggregates corporate apps and contents Agile development Decoupling responsabilities Fragments can be managed by Alfresco Records Management Content and Document Management Web Publishing BPM The portal is responsible for presentation Portlets will present contents managed by Alfresco Portlets are based on Enterprise Java standards!!!
#SummitNow What is a dashboard?
#SummitNow How a portal works The portlet container (PC) retrieves the portlet deployment descriptor (PDD) from all the applications deployed in the Java container (JSE or JEE) web-app.war WEB-INF portlet.xml web.xml Deployment Descriptors (DD) are used in many Enterprise Java components
#SummitNow Overview Introducing portals Developing standard portlets Implementing portlets Alfresco Web Services API Spring WebScripts OpenCMIS Spring Surf
#SummitNow Developing standard portlets A quick tour about how to implement standard portlets
#SummitNow Developing standard portlets You can use the GenericPortlet abstract class for overriding the following methods: processAction doView doEdit doHelp doHeaders init destroy
#SummitNow Standard portlets – Demo
#SummitNow Overview Introducing portals Developing standard portlets Implementing portlets Alfresco Web Services API Spring WebScripts OpenCMIS Spring Surf
#SummitNow Portlets with Alfresco WS API A quick tour about how to implement portlets invoking Alfresco with Web Services API (SOAP)
#SummitNow Web Services API - Services Authentication: login and logout Repository: query and model manipulation Content: content manipulation Authoring: collaborative content creation Classification: apply classifications and categories Access Control: roles, permissions & ownership Action: manages actions and rules Administration: user management, export & import Dictionary: model descriptions
#SummitNow Content Manipulation Language
#SummitNow Web Services API - Search The only query language supported is Lucene Notice that use have to use the RepositoryService to search contents: there is no SearchService -> Query method
#SummitNow Search portlet – iterating results
#SummitNow Search portlet
#SummitNow Overview Introducing portals Developing standard portlets Implementing portlets Alfresco Web Services API Spring WebScripts OpenCMIS Spring Surf
#SummitNow Portlets with Spring WebScripts A quick tour about how to implement portlets exposing your WebScripts in the portlet descriptor of Alfresco
#SummitNow Spring WebScripts Alfresco Web Scripts use a lightweight Model View Controller (MVC) style framework.
#SummitNow Components of a WebScript There are 3 main components of a web script: Descriptor Controller (optional if exists an FTL template) JavaScript server side (Mozilla Rhino) Subgroup of the Java API You can extend it!!! Template FTL (optional if request and response are managed by Java) Java Action (AbstractWebScript)
#SummitNow WebScript Descriptor The descriptor file uses the following naming convention which provides additional information to Alfresco: helloworld.get.desc.xml The content of the descriptor file:
#SummitNow WebScript Controller The controller script is an optional component written in JavaScript or Java, which does the actual work.
#SummitNow WebScript Template The WebScript template is the output template for displaying the content to user agents or applications. The output format can be based on many formats: HTML ATOM XML RSS
#SummitNow WebScriptPortlet Wrapper for exposing a WebScript as a portlet, you need to set these two parameters: scriptUrl The URL exposed by the involved WebScript Authenticator factory jsr168.webclient Based on cookie Jsr168 Based on the portal session
#SummitNow WebScriptPortlet - Descriptor
#SummitNow WebScriptPortlet – Search The search object is exposed for executing queries: For XPath expression use ISO9075 to encode paths var luceneQuery = “PATH:\”/app:company_home/cm:”+search.ISO9075(“Books tore orders”)+”/*\””; var ordersResults = search.luceneSearch(luceneQuery); model.results = ordersResults;
#SummitNow WebScriptPortlet – Get details var id = args.id; if(id!=null && id!=“”){ var node = utils.getNodeFromString(id); model.node = node; } else { status.code = 400; status.message = “id must be not null"; status.redirect = true; }
#SummitNow WebScriptPortlet – Demo
#SummitNow Overview Introducing portals Developing standard portlets Implementing portlets Alfresco Web Services API Spring WebScripts OpenCMIS Spring Surf
#SummitNow Portlets with OpenCMIS A quick tour about how to implement portlets using OpenCMIS
#SummitNow CMIS – Domain Model Data Model Repository Object CMIS Query Associated services Common elements Repository services Navigation services Object Services Multi-filing services Discovery, versioning, relationship, policy and ACL services
#SummitNow OpenCMIS – Repository Contains set of data entities getRepositories() for given endpoint get repository capabilities
#SummitNow OpenCMIS – Object Used to model typed objects Four base types: Document Object Folder Object Relationship object Policy object Object ID Object properties Version, ACL Content Stream Renditions
#SummitNow OpenCMIS – Services Repository services: used to discover information about the repository Navigation services: used to traverse the CMIS repository folder hierarchy Objects services: used to manipulate the repository contents with a CRUD interface Discovery services: used to search for query-able objects within repository
#SummitNow OpenCMIS Client API Client-side Java library that implements the CMIS specification object-oriented way AtomPub or SOAP protocols Binding selected with getRepositories() method on SessionFactory object
#SummitNow OpenCMIS Client API - AtomPub //AtomPub binding // default factory implementation SessionFactory factory = SessionFactoryImpl.newInstance(); Map parameter = new HashMap (); // user credentials parameter.put(SessionParameter.USER, "admin"); parameter.put(SessionParameter.PASSWORD, "admin"); // connection settings parameter.put(SessionParameter.BINDING_TYPE, BindingType.ATOMPUB.value()); parameter.put(SessionParameter. ATOMPUB_URL, " parameter.put(SessionParameter.REPOSITORY_ID, "84ccfe80-b325-4d79-ab4d-080a4bdd045b") // create session Session session = factory.createSession(parameter);
#SummitNow OpenCMIS Client API - Search String myType = "my:documentType"; // get the query name of cmis:objectId ObjectType type = session.getTypeDefinition(myType); PropertyDefinition objectIdPropDef = type.getPropertyDefinitions().get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID); String objectIdQueryName = objectIdPropDef.getQueryName(); String queryString = "SELECT " + objectIdQueryName + " FROM " + type.getQueryName(); // execute query ItemIterable results = session.query(queryString, false); for (QueryResult qResult : results) { String objectId = qResult.getPropertyValueByQueryName(objectIdQueryName); Document doc = (Document) session.getObject(session.createObjectId(objectId)); }
#SummitNow OpenCMIS - Demo
#SummitNow Overview Introducing portals Developing standard portlets Implementing portlets Alfresco Web Services API Spring WebScripts OpenCMIS Spring Surf
#SummitNow Portlets with Spring Surf A quick tour about how to implement portlets exposing your Surf components
#SummitNow Spring Surf MVC framework Scriptable RESTful Page-centric Page Components Embeds Spring WebScripts
#SummitNow Spring Surf – Process loading
#SummitNow Spring Surf – Regions
#SummitNow ProxyPortlet Allows to expose as a portlet any bits of Share scriptUrl Page Component / WebScript Each WebScript inside Share is a Presentation WebScript that needs to invoke against the repo: a Data WebScript CMIS AtomPub binding
#SummitNow ProxyPortlet – How it works 1.The portal starts to render the portlet page 2.Share starts to render the Surf page (only 1 component) 3.Share starts to render the component 4.Share invokes Alfresco using REST calls 5.Share connector get the user session from request.getRemoteUser() and set the user as authenticated in Alfresco (external authentication) 6.Alfresco executes the WebScripts 7.The returned JSON will be parsed by Share to render the FTL template for the portlet 8.Share ends to render the Surf page 9.The portal finishes to render the portlet
#SummitNow ProxyPortlet – Search
#SummitNow Thank