Introduction Rob Kutschke Mu2e Computing Review March 5, 2015 Mu2e-doc-5220-v1.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction Rob Kutschke Mu2e Computing Review March 5, 2015 Mu2e-doc-5220-v1

Mu2e Speakers Rob Kutschke (FNAL) Bertrand Echenard (Caltech) Dave Brown (Louisville) Bob Bernstein (FNAL) Dave Brown (LBL) Andrei Gaponenko (FNAL) Ralf Ehrlich (UVa) Zhengyun You (UC Irvine) Pasha Murat (FNAL) Yuri Oksuzian (UVa) Ray Culbertson (FNAL) 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction2

Some Advice Some figures render beautifully on your Retina Display –Not so well on the 20 th century era projector in this room You might wish to follow along on your laptop 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction3

Overview of Talks (1) Talks to provide context and define language –IntroductionIntroduction –The Physics of Mu2eThe Physics of Mu2e –The Mu2e ApparatusThe Mu2e Apparatus –Background OverviewBackground Overview What were are doing now: –Software, Tools and Environment (1)Software, Tools and Environment –Project 1: Simulation of Proton Microbunch Events (1,2)Project 1: Simulation of Proton Microbunch Events –Project 2: Cosmic Ray Studies (1, 2)Project 2: Cosmic Ray Studies –Project 3: Beam Induced Hits in the CRV(1, 2)Project 3: Beam Induced Hits in the CRV 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction4 (Charge Question(s) Addressed)

Overview of Talks (2) What do we plan going forward: –Resource Needs (2)Resource Needs –Analysis Model (1, 2, 3)Analysis Model –Roadmap to Operations (3)Roadmap to Operations Summary –Summary (1, 2, 3)Summary 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction5

Three Main Software Packages G4beamline –First out of the gate –Used for studies of the muon beamline and shielding –Future support uncertain (Muons Inc) Mu2e Offline –Based on art; our G4 model runs within Mu2e Offline. –Sim/Reco/Analysis/Trigger code developed in this environment –The primary tool for detector studies –Expect it eventually to replace G4beamline for most purposes MARS –The tool of choice for thermal neutrons –Critical calculations done in both Geant4 and MARS 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction6

Three Main Software Packages Computing and workflow issues are similar for all three –All run on the grid using Mu2e written scripts that live on top of jobsub and use SCD supplied tools ( eg ifdhc ) The examples in this review will mostly use Mu2e Offline jobs because they have the most complex workflows –There will be one example of a G4beamline job with a multi- step workflow. Code development: –G4beamline: we are not developers –Mu2e Offline: our main code development effort is here. –MARS: development of end-user code only 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction7

What we will not cover in this review Jobs done by Accelerator Division using their own tools –Simulation of beam to the Delivery Ring –Simulation of the slow extraction –Simulation of the transport lines –Simulation of the Extinction RF dipole Internals of Mu2e Offline –Algorithms, data product design … Details of our use of G4beamline or MARS 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction8

People (1) 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction9 to CD2/3aTo nowTo CD3cInstituteMain Project Bob Bernstein FNALSeniorSTM Steve Boi NUIStudentNTF Dave Brown0.5 LBLSeniorTracking Dave Brown LouisvilleSeniorGeometry Rick Coleman0.4 FNALSeniorNTF Ray Culbertson FNALSeniorInfrastructure Bertrand Echenard0.3 CaltechPostdocCalorimeter Ralf Ehrlich UvaPostdocCRV Dave Hendin0.3 NIUSeniorNTF Andrei Gaponenko FNALWilson FellowMany Krzysztof Genser FNALStaffG4 Vladimir Khalatian0.600NIUNTF Kyle Knoepfel FNALPostdocMany Rob Kutschke FNALSeniorMany Tony LevelingFNALSeniorMARS Vanya Logashenko0.0800NovosibirskSeniorTrapped particles Anna Mazzancanne FNALStaffMARS Nikolia Mokhov FNALSeniorMARS James Mott BUPostdocpi+ calib STM: Stopping Target MonitorNTF: Neutron Task Force

People (2) 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction10 to CD2/3aTo nowTo CD3cInstituteMain Project Pasha Murat0.8FNALSeniorCalorimeter Yuri Oksuzian UvaPostdocNTF Anthony Palladino BUPostdocSTM Giani Pezzullo PisaStudentCalorimeter Vitaly Pronskihk FNALSeniorMARS Igor RakhnoFNALSeniorMARS Markus Roehrken0.5 CaltechPostdocStop Tgt Opt Zafar UsbovDubnaCal standalone Costas Vellidis Athens/FNALSeniorBeta source study Chiho Wang000.4DukeSeniorWire Stabiltiy Mike Wang FNALStaffTrk Trigger Zhengyun You UCIPostdocp-bar Background Totals: Stop Tgt Opt: Optimization of Stopping Target Total 31 people: but many at very low duty cycle

People Working With/On Mu2e Offline, >= 0.4 to CD3c 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction11 To CD3cInstituteMain Project Bob Bernstein0.4FNALSeniorSTM Dave Brown0.5LBLSeniorTracking Ray Culbertson0.8FNALSeniorInfrastructure Ralf Ehrlich0.7UvaPostdocCRV Andrei Gaponenko0.8FNALWFMany Krzysztof Genser0.4FNALStaffG4 Rob Kutschke0.6FNALSeniorMany Pasha Murat0.8FNALSeniorCalorimeter Yuri Oksuzian0.4UvaPostdocNTF Anthony Palladino0.4BUPostdocSTM Giani Pezzullo0.6PisaStudentCalorimeter Markus Roehrken0.5CaltechPostdocStop Tgt Opt Costas Vellidis0.8AthensSeniorBeta study Chiho Wang0.4DukeSeniorWire Stabiltiy Zhengyun You0.6UCIPostdocp-bar Background 15 people; most plan to do science, not infrastructure Understaffed for infrastructure development.

New People 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction12 To CD3cInstituteMain Project Sarah Demers0.25YaleSeniorCal Trigger Merril JenkinsAlabama Lotte Thomsen0.1YalePostdocCal Trigger Shilo Xia0.5YaleStudentCal Trigger

Management Structure Head of Software and Simulations –Rob Kutschke Background Coordinator –Andrei Gaponenko Geometry Czar –Dave Brown (Louisville) Calibration Coordinator –Dave Brown (LBL) Co-Chairs of the Neutron Working Group –Yuri Oksuzian –Dave Hedin All report to the spokespersons 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction13

Management Structure Elaborate on the roles mentioned on the previous slide 2 or 3 pages. Links to charges 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction14

Meeting Structure Weekly Meetings of Software and Simulation Group Bi-Weekly meetings of the Neutron Working Group As needed meetings of the calibration and background groups. 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction15

Schedule 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction16 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 CD-2/3b Project Complete Detector Construction Accelerator and Beamline Construction Solenoid Infrastructure KPPs Satisfied PS Fabrication and QA PS/DS Final Design Accelerator Commissioning (off Project) CD-3c Fabricate and QA Superconductor Detector Hall Construction Cosmic Ray System Test 24 months of schedule float PO issued for TS Module Fabrication Fabricate and QA TS Modules, Assemble TS DS Fabrication and QA PS Installation TS Installation DS Installation Critical Path Solenoid power/cryo hookup Solenoid Commissioning Today

Important Dates March 2016: –DOE CD3b Review –Complete calculations and figures by Dec 1, 2015 Q4 FY20: –Commissioning with cosmic rays; detector outside the magnet. Mid to late FY21 –Commissioning with beam and with the detector in the magnet. The last talk, the Roadmap to Operations, will fill in the details. 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction17

What does Mu2e Need from SCD? 1)Support for running Offsite Progress has been steady but slow; reliability issues. Request SCD make it a priority get us in production by April 1 Request SCD let remote sites know that we are a lab priority Can a liaison help? 2)Request support from a graphics expert who can help us improve and integrate our event displays Understanding, validating, debugging, explaining algorithms Explaining Mu2e to reviewers Onboarding new users 3)Production operators have been valuable. We would like them to assist in running our large MC production that will start ~April 1. 4)The future of Muons Inc is uncertain. If G4beamline becomes orphaned, we request that SCD commit to building G4beamline against future versions of G4. 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction18

Summary Thank you very much for agreeing to take part in this review We hope you learn something and don’t go too crazy! 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction19

Backup Sides 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction20

G4beamline A wrapper on top of G4 –No C++ or G4 knowledge needed –You only need to know its geometry language; easy to learn. Started at FNAL taken over by Muons Inc –Future support uncertain. First work on Mu2e was to simulate the muon beamline –Compute stopped muons per POT –Study non-muons entering the DS –G4beamline was the fast out of the gate option Does not have the hooks for detailed detector modelling Until recently it did not support all G4Solids –Booleans, Extruded solids 2/6/15Kutschke | Introduction21