Michigan Humanities Council 2011 ALA Annual Conference New Orleans, LA June 25, 2011
Mission To connect people and communities by fostering and supporting high-quality cultural programs.
Purpose of Grants: The Council encourages and supports a variety of activities that bring communities and scholars together to: Reflect and learn from our cultural heritage Cultivate a shared understanding of current events and concerns Build stronger, more thoughtful communities for the future
Key Partners National Endowment for the Humanities National Endowment for the Arts Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs W. K. Kellogg Foundation Meijer Michigan Council of Foundations American Library Association & Library of Michigan Universities, schools, libraries and museums Local historical societies
MHC Program Overview Grants: Major, Planning & Quick Great Michigan Read Prime Time Family Reading Time Arts & Humanities Touring Program Poetry Out Loud The Way We Worked (Smithsonian & National Archives Touring Exhibit) Making Sense of the Civil War (Community Reading & Book Discussions)
Great Michigan Read Briefly: Biennial, statewide reading program featuring a single work of literature by a Michigan author and about Michigan Goals: Encourage Michiganians to come together around important humanities themes Explore Michigan authors and literature, and Develop an appreciation for different perspectives and cultures
Grants Program Major grants: up to $15,000; Fall and Spring Planning grants: up to$1,000 Quick grants: up to $500 Arts & Humanities Touring Grants: up to $3,000 Prime Time: $16,000 over 3-year period All grants require a match Awarded annually approx. $500,000
Prime Time Family Reading Time Description: A 6-8 week family storytelling and discussion program for non-library users; pre-reading activities for preschoolers Goals: Include parents as integral part of their children’s learning Increase literacy rates; stem tide of intergenerational illiteracy Cultivate high-academic performers Increase appreciation and understanding of the humanities
Arts & Humanities Touring Program Briefly: Partnership with Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs to offer grants to local nonprofits and schools to host performing artists, storytellers, scholars and authors Goal : Ensure access to high-quality arts & humanities programming throughout the state for all Michigan families Funding: approx. $75,000 a year; 200+ grants
Poetry Out Loud Briefly: Annual high school poetry recitation competition Goals : Learn about great poetry through memorization and performance Master public speaking skills Build self-confidence Explore our literary heritage Participation: Over 50 high schools and 6,500 students
The Way We Worked Briefly: Smithsonian traveling exhibit examining American work culture; part of national Museum on Main Street (MoMS) rural exhibit initiative Goals: Provide high-quality exhibits and program assistance to often underserved rural populations; increase capacity building for rural venues Funding: Approximately $50,000 over three years
Making Sense of the Civil War Briefly: NEH and American Library Association sponsored program offered to each state council; includes 100 sets of books (3/set) to host reading and book discussions around the state. Goals: Encourage discussion and better understanding of the Civil War and its legacy in commemorating its sesquicentennial anniversary. Funding: $10,000 for administration, honoraria, postage and travel during Final report due in 2013, although encouraged to continue discussions through 2015.
MHC Communication Strategy Monthly E-Newsletter “Michigan Stories” Monthly “Happenings” to promote upcoming events and opportunities Special edition s celebrating historical events, i.e., Michigan’s 175 th birthday, African American History Month News Releases promoting grant awards, partnerships and upcoming programs Comcast quarterly interviews Quarterly postcard mailings
MHC Communication Strategy Website Facebook Annual report Starting quarterly print/digital publication for 2013 to foster understanding of humanities Sponsorships that provide high visibility Displays & outreach at conferences & events Presentations to community groups
How Can Communities Partner? Apply for grants to support local school & community-based cultural programs Establish Prime Time Family Reading Program with local library or school Encourage area schools and non-profits to apply for MHC programs & grants Participate in Great Michigan Read Identify host site for future traveling exhibits and volunteer as organizers or docents Promote programming & sponsor local events
Learn more… Visit MHC website: michiganhumanities.org Subscribe to our monthly MICHIGAN STORIES E-newsletter: Learn about upcoming events around the state through HAPPENINGS, distributed monthly by or available on website
Contact us: Michigan Humanities Council 119 Pere Marquette Drive Lansing, MI T: