facebook Elihu Lockton is going to London. WallPhotosFlairBoxesElihu LocktonLogout View photos of Elihu (6) Send Elihu a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Slave Owner Birthday: July 4, 1736 Political: Loyalist Religion: Anglican Hometown: Manhattan, New York Friends KingMr. RobertMayor Bellingham Anne Elihu Lockton Is going to London! January 7, 1777 Lady Seymour Mayor to Elihu Lockton So glad you have returned to Manhattan! Would you like to join me for some tea? September 18, 1776 Elihu Lockton Just got back to New York! So ecstatic that the King’s Army has recaptured this great city. September15, 1776 Elihu Lockton I just had a very intriguing meeting with colleagues. I hope this plan goes well. June 22, 1776 Elihu Lockton Just had tea with my aunt. June 6, 1776 Elihu Lockton I have just returned from Newport, Rhode Island with two new slaves. That was an interesting encounter at the docks. May 29, 1776
Personal Information facebook Elihu Lockton Is going to London! WallPhotosFlairBoxesLogout View photos of Elihu (6) Send Elihu a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Slave Owner Birthday: July 4,1736 Political: Loyalist Religion: Anglican Hometown: Manhattan, New York Photos Networks: Slave Owner Sex: Male Birthday: July 4, 1736 Hometown: Manhattan, New York Relationship Status: Married to Anne Lockton Political Views: Loyalist Religious Views: Anglican Activities: Croquet, Cricket, Fencing Interests: Poetry, Reading, Drinking Tea, Favorite Music: Bach, English National Anthem Favorite Movies: Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet Favorite TV Shows: Judge Judy, How The British Lost The War Favorite Books: Crusoe, Shakespeare's Sonnets Vacation Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums The Lockton House Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 210 Wall Street, Manhattan, NY Phone Number: (212) Elihu Lockton
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesElihu LocktonLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Elihu 6 Photos Elihu’s Albums 2 Photo Albums Vacation 5 photos The Lockton House 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Elihu Lockton is going to London.