Shape and support Protects internal organs Movement Blood cell formation (bone marrow) Storage (calcium and phosphorous)
Not smooth – bumps, edges, rough spots and holes cover bones Shape is inherited but can change when attached muscles are used Bone’s surface is covered with periosteum Periosteum: tough, tight-fitting membrane that covers a bone’s surface Contains blood vessels that transport nutrients
There are two types of bone tissue. Can you name them?
Hard, strong layer Contains calcium phosphate deposits Bone cells and blood vessels found here Keeps bones from breaking easily Makes up 80% of human skeleton
Located toward the end of long bones Has small, open spaces that make bones lightweight Spaces in spongy bone and bone cavities are full of marrow
2 types: red and yellow Yellow marrow: made of fat cells Red marrow: produces red blood cells (2-3 million cells per second!)
Smooth, slippery, thick layer of tissue covering the ends of bones Flexible tissue, acts as shock absorber in joints Also found in nose and ears
Before you are born, your skeleton is made of cartilage Osteoblasts: bone-forming cells that deposit calcium and phosphorous in bones Make bone tissue hard At birth: 300+ bones Now: 206 bones
Osteoblast: builds up bone Osteoclast: breaks down bone Releases calcium and phosphorus into bloodstream, keeps body working as it should be
Joint: any place where two or more bones come together Thin layer of cartilage prevents them from rubbing together Ligament : tough band of tissue that holds bones together
Immovable joints: allows little or no movement Skull Pelvis Movable joints: allow body to move Ball-and-socket: bone with rounded end that fits in cup-like cavity of another bone Pivot: one bone rotates around another bone Hinge: allow back and forth motion like a door hinge Gliding: one part of a bone slides over another bone
Immovable: skull Ball-and-socket: shoulder, hip Pivot: forearm Hinge: knee, elbow Gliding: vertebrae, wrist, ankle
Cartilage protects bones from rubbing against each other Cartilage breaks down over time: osteoarthritis Arthritis most elderly people experience Rheumatoid arthritis: body’s immune system tries to destroy its own tissue Can affect adults of all ages
Change the lyrics of a popular song to tell why we need the skeletal system (can be done with a partner). Draw and color a comic strip with at least 5 frames that shows the 5 major functions of the skeletal system. Use common household objects (or things found in the classroom) to build a model of a bone in the human body that highlights the 5 main functions of the skeletal system. ** For each assignment, you will need to explain how it displays the 5 functions of the skeletal system