Chief Seattle Council Program & Training Conference October 19 th, 2013 Your Instructors: Rod Gowdy, Aurora District Advancement Chair Lyle Hall, Chief Seattle Council Advancement Chair Internet Advancement
Getting the Most From Internet Advancement National Advancement Committee Webinars and Education Task Force Expiration Date This presentation is not to be used after May 31, Obtain an updated version at Awards/resources.aspx Awards/resources.aspx
Why Report Advancement? One of Eight Methods of Scouting Ideals Patrol Method Outdoor Programs Advancement Adult Association Personal Growth Leadership Development Uniform
Why Report Advancement? Part of Scouting's Journey to Excellence
Suggested Reporting Frequency Monthly, but at least quarterly After every board of review Before the end of the current charter year Before Journey to Excellence reporting More often for larger units
Why Internet Advancement? BSA recommendation on reporting advancement … from the Guide to Advancement, topic
Advantages of Internet Advancement Reduces or eliminates Scouts’ record gaps Records ranks, badges, and awards Can be done at your convenience Will accept records from PackMaster ™, TroopMaster ™, and ScoutSoft ™ for ranks and some badges and awards
Additional Advantages Enforces most BSA advancement rules Eliminates illegible handwriting Allows advancement date corrections Provides simple and intuitive interface Offers useful reports
Available Reports Review Unit Roster Unit Advancement Summary Member Summary Review Advancement Report View Previous Advancement Reports Print Membership Cards Unit Order Form
Two More Benefits! 1.Have you ever wondered if the Council entered that youth application you turned in? Now you can verify online! 2.Has an Eagle Rank Application ever been returned by Council for “missing merit badge”? Now you can verify everything is in order before that application gets to the Council.
Why you are really interested in Internet Advancement: Effective September 1, 2013, Chief Seattle Council requires all units (packs, troops, teams, crews, ships) to use the BSA Internet Advancement System.
What Internet Advancement Won't Do Ensure a quality unit advancement program Record nonadvancement data such as meeting or activity attendance, or positions of responsibility Record Eagle rank information Record lifesaving and meritorious awards Record religious awards or awards from outside organizations
Supported Operating Systems Windows Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server, Windows 8 Apple OS X (Mac running a virtual version of Windows and IE)
Browser Requirements Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 are OK “as is” Internet Explorer 9 and 10 work using “compatibility mode” and setting “*” as a trusted site Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari are not supported For all browsers, Java scripting must be enabled For all browsers, pop-up blockers must be disabled
Accessing Internet Advancement Log onto MyScouting using your BSA account, then click on “Internet Advancement.” Direct web address:
This is the error message you will receive in TroopMaster if any data is missing for your scouts or adults:
This is the TroopMaster exclusion report.
Cub Scout Belt Loops and Pins Cub Scout Academic and Sports Program PINS (belt loops are OK) cannot be entered into Internet Advancement. Also, due to a programming issue, Cub Scout advancement should be entered and then saved as follows: Enter ranks, then save. Enter activity badges, then save. Enter belt loops, then save.
Final Thoughts Board of review Signatures Chief Seattle Council does not require Board of Review signatures on the report generated by Internet Advancement. Unfeasible for multiple ranks.
Where to Get Help Call the Chief Seattle Council office, (206) , they can answer your question! Send me an , or phone call: (425)
Questions? Thank you for attending!