Proposed School Budget Presentation April 28, 2016 Sea Girt Borough School District
The Budget supports the thorough and efficient education of 215 students in grades PK – 12. Sea Girt Borough School District Elementary School Students - 37 Manasquan High School Students - 15 Vocational High School Students - 6 Out of District/Unilateral Students
The academic achievements of Sea Girt students have been frequently cited in recent years… Sea Girt Borough School District A nationally recognized Blue Ribbon School of Excellence 88% of all students in Gr. 3-8 P or AP in PARCC – LAL ‘15 Graduates attend competitive High Schools including all of the County Vocational Academies 78% of all students in Gr. 3-8 P or AP in PARCC – Math ‘15 97% of all students in Gr. 4 & 8 P or AP in NJASK – Sc. ‘15
The New Jersey Department of Education has recognized the Sea Girt School for Outstanding Standardized Assessment Scores. Sea Girt Borough School District - The Sea Girt School District maintains state certification through NJQSAC and is monitored each year for certification that will be in effect through June, 2016
The Sea Girt School offers students many extra-curricular experiences for its students… Sea Girt Borough School District - Instrumental Music - Band - Drama - K-5 Class Plays Clubs: Art, Gardening, Drama, Chorus, Technology & Video - Inter-Scholastic Athletics through the MCAL 90% of our Pre-High Students participate in extracurricular activities
The Sea Girt School serves as the “heart of the community”… Sea Girt Borough School District - Town Council Meetings - Planning Board Meetings - Sea Girt Recreation - Boosters - Special Olympics - Parent Academy Workshops - Mid-Monmouth Basketball - U.S.A.B.L. - Baseball - Travel Soccer Club - Book Club Meetings - Recreation Programs - PTO Events
Sea Girt Borough School District How are we be able to maintain stable taxes without impacting programs? By appropriating fund balance By utilizing additional EBS monies By collecting more than $57,000 in tuition revenue By implementing mandated employee health benefit premium contributions By continuing the business office shared service
Sea Girt Borough School District REVENUES $ Change% of Total Tax Levy$ 4,338,065$ 4,424,826$ 86, % Fund Balance Appropriated (General and Tuition Reserve) $ 156,789$ 268,353$ 111, % Miscellaneous Revenue (Tuition, Interest) $ 46,620$ 59,600$ 12, % State Aid Extraordinary Aid $ 104,828 $ 0 $ 109,475 $ % 0% Operating Budget Revenue$ 4,646,302$ 4,862,254$ 215, % Federal Programs (IDEA & NCLB) $ 44,735$ 56,543 $ 11, % Debt Service Local Tax Levy$ 0 0% Fund Balance Appropriated (Capital Projects/Reserve Withdrawal; General) $ 0 0% TOTAL REVENUE$ 4,691,037$ 4,918,797$ 227, %
Sea Girt Board of Education: Revenues
Sea Girt Borough School District Historic Increases/Decreases General Fund Tax Levy % % % % (2.00%) % % % % %
Sea Girt Borough School District Debt Service Fund Tax Levy TAX LEVY$ -0- The 2002 Bond Issue for the Sea Girt School Addition was paid in full during the school year.
Sea Girt Borough School District Revenue Summary: Tax Levy Cap: 2% Increase in State Aid: $4,647 Tax Levy Cap Adjustment: $0 (0%) Increase in Private Tuition: $12,980 Free Balance: $195,3253; Tuition Reserve: $73,000 Budget Increase: $227,760 (4.86%)
Sea Girt Borough School District EXPENDITURES $ Change % of Total Student Programming (Grades PreK -12) (Instructional, Tuitions, Special Education Tuition, Transportation, Extra-Curricular) $ 2,569,062$ 2,644,915$ 75, % Student Support Services (Guidance, Child Study Team, Media, Nurse, Communications, Benefits and Insurance) $ 1,433,747$ 1,554,622$ 120, % Plant Operations (Custodial/Maintenance services, contracted building projects, energy costs $ 343,967$ 373,350$ 29, % School/Central Administration$ 291,574$ 281,415 ($ 10,159) 5.72% Grants and Entitlements$ 44,735$ 56,543$ 11, % Capital Expenditures$ 7,952 $ 0.16% Debt Service$ 0 0% Total Operating Budget:$ 4,691,037$ 4,918,797$ 227,760100%
Sea Girt Board of Education: Expenditures
Sea Girt Borough School District COOPERATIVES & SHARED SERVICES Point Pleasant Beach Board of Education– Business Office Services Child Study Team Software MRESC Purchasing Cooperative MOESC Transportation Cooperative Participant in the ACT program Participant in the ACES program Participant in NJSIG Participant in NJ State Health Benefit Program Curriculum and Professional Development articulation with Manasquan Sending Districts Media Center Services – Avon School District Field Use – Avon and Bradley Beach
Sea Girt Borough School District COST SAVINGS AND CONTAINMENT While the previous list is extensive we will continue to look for other cost saving measures Additionally, we have looked at some potential cost savings measures and unfortunately they did not work out at this time. For example: –Transportation vehicle purchase –Solar options
Sea Girt Borough School District Where are the Dollars Going? Tuition to Manasquan, Vocational Programs and Out of District Placements Transportation Costs Professional Development Additional Maintenance Costs Salary Increases Health Benefit Cost Increases Legal Fees Bank and Payroll Fees Reallocation to EBS Funds – Reduces Current Expenses
Sea Girt Borough School District Expenditure Summary: Expenditures: $227,759 (4.86%) Additional Salary and Benefit Costs Maintains All Current Programs Additional Special Education Costs Additional in Transportation Expenses Additional Professional Development Expenses
Sea Girt Borough School District Analysis of Tax Levy Compared to Property Values Represents a $.0188 tax decrease (2.00% actual increase in taxes) Comparison of School Tax Rate vs. Assessed Value of Home School Year School Year Difference Assessed ValueTax RateTax ImpactAssessed ValueTax RateTax ImpactBetween Years of Home $500,000$0.1985$992$500,000$0.2173$1,087($94) $750,000$0.1985$1,488$750,000$0.2173$1,630($141) $1,000,000$0.1985$1,985$1,000,000$0.2173$2,173($188) $1,250,000$0.1985$2,481$1,250,000$0.2173$2,716($235) $1,500,000$0.1985$2,977$1,500,000$0.2173$3,260($283) $1,778,737$0.1985$3,530$1,778,737$0.2173$3,865($335) $2,000,000$0.1985$3,969$2,000,000$0.2173$4,346($377) $2,500,000$0.1985$4,962$2,500,000$0.2173$5,433($471) $3,000,000$0.1985$5,954$3,000,000$0.2173$6,519($565) $3,500,000$0.1985$6,946$3,500,000$0.2173$7,606($659) $4,000,000$0.1985$7,939$4,000,000$0.2173$8,692($753)
Proposed School Budget Presentation April 28, 2016 Sea Girt Borough School District