Schedule B (In Lieu)
Schedule B Due November 1 st every year Expenditures from previous school/fiscal year Documentation required for all information submitted Must be signed by Superintendent and Transportation Supervisor Retain support documentation for 3 years
Documentation Spreadsheet for each category Totals on the spreadsheet must match totals on Schedule B report Do NOT send a copy of the checks Desk Audit I will perform spot checks on the documentation provided with Schedule B to verify information is accurate
In-State Tuition Paid (511) Amounts paid to other school districts within the state for the purpose of transporting children to school and school- related events. Use spreadsheet to justify totals Not used anymore!!!
Out-of-State Tuition Paid (512) Payment to other school districts outside the State for transporting children to school and school-related events This includes the complete out-of-state tuition not just the transportation costs Use spreadsheet to justify totals Student name Grade Address
Commercial Non-Contract (513) Payment to other entities for transporting students to school and school-related events (i.e. Taxis, UTA, etc.) Use spreadsheet to justify totals Student name Date of bus pass or taxi ride Vendor name Cost Vendor check number Total needs to match total on Schedule B
Student Allowance (514) Payments made to each student for transportation services provided by themselves, parents, etc. Approved miles can include two round-trips per day If student attends half-day Kindergarten and is taken to school by parents in the morning but rides bus home, then you should only pay one round-trip Miles included should only be for to/from school miles that are part of an approved education program
Student Allowance (514) (cont.) In Lieu of mileage rate should be between the lower IRS charitable contributions rate of 14 cents and Utah Department of Administrative Services private vehicle rate of 56.5 cents per mile [R (B)(1)] District determines where they fall between the two rates Use attendance records to verify # of trips
Student Allowance (514) (cont.) When parents are unwilling or unable to transport eligible students, the district is still responsible to transport these students District may not be able to claim “Full” funding for students There may be less than 10 Regular Ed students or 5 Special Ed students If there are only 1-2 students who live a significant distance from bus route, going out to pick up these students may be necessary, but cannot be claimed for funding on the A1 Districts can claim the mileage rate for these students, as if they were paying the students the Student Allowance Use spreadsheet to justify totals
Subsistence (515) Subsistence (room and board) payment made to students in lieu of providing transportation Use spreadsheet to justify totals
…In Lieu of Deadhead Bus Mileage (516) The amount a district can claim in lieu of deadhead bus mileage If a driver needs to get back to their personal vehicle at their point of origin, and the district provides another means of getting the driver back to their point of origin rather than having the bus drive back Rate is the Utah Department of Administrative Services private- vehicle rate: 56.5 cents per mile Use spreadsheet to justify miles # of days run Miles Reason