We provide solutions. Whatever your requirements. Kaschke Components likes to thank xxx for the invitation and is looking forward to an interesting and successful meeting
Since the company was founded 60 years ago, we have continued to expand our development and manufacturing expertise and provide our customers with tailored solutions, offering optimal performance in line with the 'design to cost' principle. Our products are developed at our headquarters in Goettingen and manufactured at our production sites in Tunisia and Kuellstedt in Thuringia. Modern technology opens up lots of great solutions. Many of them are ours. From industrial electronics to automotive, medical and railway technology, our customers benefit from our design expertise, years of manufacturing experience, high quality standards and 'just in time' logistics – all in keeping with our slogan ‘We provide solutions'. The Kaschke company headquarters in Goettingen
Kaschke components: Your company is probably using them too. Kaschke provides solutions for a wide variety of business segments. Make the most of our interdisciplinary expertise and experience. Alternative energiesDrives & Controls Automotive electronics Railway technologyIndustrial electronics Sensor technology Medical engineering Lighting technology Consumer goods industry
We develop coils for all applications. From cars to toothbrushes: Kaschke produces a range of components that extends from miniature SMD chokes for medical devices to high- performance boost chokes for inverters used in contactless energy transfer systems of up to 240 KW SMPS transformers for a wide range of topologies Ultra-fine wire, Litz wire, edge wire winding and foil winding Flexible and efficient production methods Modern soldering and measuring equipment for maximum process stability
We wind coils for all applications. From cars to toothbrushes: Ultra-fine wire windingFoil windingHand winding Edge wire windingLinear windingToroid winding
Our ferrites have got what it takes. Effective yet invisible:
Our materials have got what it takes. Effective yet invisible: Ferrites Internal material development Internal product design Internal powder production using over 25 materials Material lines NiZn ferrite – capacity 100 t/a MnZn ferrite – capacity 800 t/a Internal tool and system manufacturing Our key focus areas High volume ferrites with high flux density and limited losses up to 100 kHz Ring cores up to R102 with very good insertion losses and high Q-factor Rod cores for transmitter/receiver coils in the 20 kHz–40 MHz range Pot cores for proximity switchers with high Q-factors Impeder cores for inductive welding Customized core shapes
2 hour s From Tunis to Goettingen in under 72 hours. More than 35 years of manufacturing experience at two sites in Tunisia A young and highly motivated workforce with a high level of education and training German-trained Tunisian engineers German plant management – German is the plant language Online communications with all manufacturing facilities Approx employees manufacture > 150 million parts/a across two shifts Our Orient Express: GOETTINGEN KUELLSTEDT GENOA ZAGHOUAN MENZEL BOU ZELFA FRANKFURT TUNIS 3 days
Especially the quality. Kaschke manufacturing facilities in Tunisia are subject to VDE production control All Kaschke plants are ISO 9001:2008 certified – the Kuellstedt plant is ISO TS 16949:2009 certified Our Goettingen site is an Accredited Economic Operator (AEO) Kaschke offers its own insulation systems in accordance with UL 1446, file no E for classes of isolation B (130 °C) & F (155 °C) Kaschke complies with RoHS 2002/95/EG and meets ELV and WEEE requirements Our certifications: Everything about our components is just right.
Always in the right place, at the right time. An efficient logistical solution starts with the design phase, when pre-materials are chosen. At this point, the focus is on availability. Our network of qualified suppliers, offering a diverse range of pre-materials, ensures a stable supply chain and guarantees exceptional security of supply. Kaschke guarantees short delivery times and a highly flexible response to fluctuating demands. Kaschke is able to support the following logistics systems: Kanban Just in time WebEDI Custodian warehouse
at your disposal. Kaschke's expertise – Global network of Key account managers, FAEs and regional industry representatives Experienced application engineers & technicians support you from the very start of your project in line with the 'design to cost' principle Everything from one source Close collaboration with technical universities Co-operation with semi-conductor manufacturers e.g.: Power Integrations, Texas Instruments, Infineon and Fairchild Over 98% customer-specific solutions More than 1000 new designs per year
Our clients.
Thanks very much for your attention! Bauteilpräsentationen\Photo_Presentation2012.pdf Bauteilpräsentationen\Photo_Presentation2012.pdf Kaschke Components GmbH Rudolf-Winkel-Str. 6 D Goettingen Tel.: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) Mail: