Module 1 Beginning a Learning Adventure
2 Ice Breaker
3 Introduction to Mind in the Making
4 Learning Goals Participants will understand that what they do with children can have a lifelong impact. They will also understand that teachers who continue to learn about teaching, who see themselves as learners and who understand the learning process are best able to foster learning in others.
5 Learning Goals This is called Intentional Teaching.
6 Research shows… That intentional learners make the best teachers. And teachers report they learn best when they are engaged: –socially –emotionally –intellectually
7 Major Task of Teachers To become a learner about children, their development and how they learn best. To become engaged in learning as a lifelong process.
8 Outcome Participants will become more aware of the long-term impact they can have on the children they teach…
9 Outcome … and of the importance of their own learning as teachers.
10 Get Ready!
11 Getting to know our Learning Community Red = favorite food Yellow = memorable vacation Orange = special pet/animal Purple = childhood memory Green = funny story Blue = favorite shopping store
12 What Do You Think? Part 1 Remember learning something that was really important and special to you. 1.What did you learn? 2.What helped you learn? 3.What made this learning memorable, important or exciting? ~ Share your story with your learning partner
13 What Do You Think? Group debrief: –What were the similarities and differences in the stories you shared? –What keeps learning alive for you? –How does this information impact you as a teacher?
14 What Do You Think? Make a list of what teachers can do to keep the spark of learning alive for the children they teach
15 Did You Know? – Research Video Dr. Suzanne Carothers New York University
16 What Do You Think? Part 2 Think back to a teacher who made a difference in your life. –What do you remember most? –Why have these memories lasted over the years? –What does this tell us about how teachers make a lasting impression?
17 What can you do? –How have you made a difference in the life of a child you teach? –How have the children you teach made a difference in your life as a teacher and a learner? –How do you want to be remembered by the children you teach?
18 Tips Watch children to see what makes them light up. Be a scientist! Ask yourself what makes you light up when you learn about teaching and learning.
19 Quotes Learning is a natural part of being a human being. -- Dr. Jack Shonkoff Please see additional quotes in your binders.
20 Moving On and Doing More Be a researcher Feel yourself learn something new