Virtual Meeting Best Practices Produced by: ELITE Program
Virtual Meeting/Presentation Etiquette
Pre-Meeting To-Dos for Presenter Friendly Reminder day prior to meeting Prepare Agenda and review prior to meeting Schedule a quiet office for the presentation Test Virtual Presentation Tools prior to meeting Contact SME if needed for Presentation Set up Closed Captioning thru CC Relay
Day of Presentation for Presenter Close all windows/applications not needed for presentation Put Do Not Disturb on your door Put Do Not Disturb/or busy in Lync Put phones on silent
During Presentation/Meeting for Presenter Introduce yourself and any assistants/facilitators Be sure the Closed Captioner is signed on Give a briefing of how to use the virtual tools Be sure there are no technical issues before you start your meeting/presentation Speak clearly If sharing your screen or programs etc., be sure to leave enough time for screens to refresh Conduct an “Ice-Breaker”
Roles of the Facilitator/Presenter Interacts with attendees/meeting participants Encourages 100% attendee participation Keeps meeting/presentation on track Organizes Content Begin & End on time Creates a Positive Environment Accommodate different time zones Knowledgeable using Virtual Presentation Tools
Roles of Attendee Try to be in a private office to alleviate distractions Don’t hold sidebar conversations Silence cell phones, pagers, etc. Follow Presenter’s instructions when asking questions, participating in group conversations, etc. Introduce yourself before speaking Be very explicit about thoughts & feelings Avoid sarcasm and be very careful with humor If appropriate learn virtual presentation tool prior to meeting