Goal 1 1 Two important Developments 1.The newly revised Ozanam Orientation 2.Home Visit Task Force
Part I: The Ozanam Orientation Introductory remarks 2 Today we can gather to celebrate the fact that we have been offering the Ozanam Orientation to our members for ten years We now have approximately 70% of our active members formed in this way. Beginning in 2014 the Ozanam Orientation was translated into Spanish. It is now being presented in Spanish by a cadre of trained formators Today we are making a presentation and providing an explanation about the new Ozanam Orientation. This is not a training session. Training sessions will be provided by webinars announced in the E-Gazette. There will be training at the National Assembly in Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday, August 31.
The New OO Version 3 Makes it easier for our formators/presenters to teach. Simpler, cleaner slides which require less reliance on the technology. Navigation is also simpler—just page down from start to finish. More extensive speaker notes throughout A totally rewritten section on Poverty which connects better with the Home Visit experience
The New OO Version (continued) 4 Remains consistent with our SVDP values Was written by those who have been teaching the OO We decided not to redo the Home Visit Videos for particular reasons. After receiving feedback from our Formators across the nation, we put in a shortened version of the LA video (approximately 10 minutes). We updated the Q&A around the video to reflect our current understanding of physical contact during the home visit and the causes of poverty. We piloted the new OO at multiple sites across the country to get feedback from both formators and members participating
The New OO Version (continued) 5 Deliberate choice to rely on small group discussions rather than create more interactive structured exercises a.The Orientation is largely taught by members who, for the most part, do not have an extensive background in education. This limits a bit what we can reasonably expect them to do in an Orientation. b.With this in mind we developed the OO so that most people with appropriate study and mentorship can be successful in preparation and presentation. c.We did increase the percentage of the OO day which is spent on small and large group discussion. d.There are also some interactive Q&A suggested in several places.
The New OO Version (continued) 6 Deliberate choice to continue including everything in either a one-day or two-day format for new, existing, revitalizing conferences, and for new and veteran Vincentians. The OO is constructed so that as the sections are presented they build on one another. It is best for consistency across the nation that the OO be offered in either of these two formats. We have discovered that when the OO is either shortened or presented in smaller doses than those just suggested, the formation becomes less effective.
The New OO Version (continued) 7 Poverty section The aim of Understanding Poverty section is two-fold: give Vincentians some language and concepts that will combat being judgmental. get them interested enough to learn more about poverty. Extensive field-testing of this section (far more than any other section) has shown that attendees are changing their beliefs. More education beyond this is definitely needed, but this OO is apparently providing a key experience to get people fired up.
The New OO Version (continued) 8 The First Million Dollar Question: How much can I change? You simply may not write your own custom version of the OO Changing the OO prevents formation teams from helping each other across council boundaries, reducing the # of possible OOs You may include such things as an additional exercise, a spiritual reflection, an ice-breaker, some local information, or more on the home visit. The Second Million Dollar Question: Will there be another version soon? NO. Formators have communicated that they are willing to learn a new version no more often than every 3-4 years.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Ozanam Orientation: sample
Come, Holy Spirit Opening Prayer
“We have to study in such a way that love corresponds to knowledge.” (XI:116)
YOU are an essential part of this story Each one of us will become a part of the history of how God cares for His people worldwide.
You are a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. A Vincentian. Dedicated to growing in holiness through personal service in friendship.
You belong to a membership of more than 800,000 people WORLDWIDE, dedicated to serving Christ in those around them.
Within the United States you are a member of a Conference You are one of more than 96,000 Vincentians in our nation. … one of more than 4,400 Conferences.
The Society Click to Play Video
Mission Statement Inspired by Gospel values, the SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
Mission Statement As a reflection of the whole family of God, members, who are known as VINCENTIANS, are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group and economic level. Vincentians are united in an international Society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing, which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to a basic Rule.
Mission Statement Organized locally, Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served, because in them Vincentians see the face of Christ.
Purpose of the Society Primary: Spiritual growth of its members Secondary: Serve those in need and bring them closer to God
Scope of the Society The Society engages in a number of works covering all the needs, trials and tribulations of human life, both corporal and spiritual. “No work of charity is foreign to the Society.” Rule of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Article
Essential Elements Spirituality Friendship Service
The Core Work of the Society Starts with Home Visits Food Pantries Other Agencies Prison Ministry Housing Immigration Services Disaster Relief Thrift Stores Immediate Needs Evangelization Advocacy HOME VISIT Eldercare Twinning
Reflection, Sharing & Questions Take a Moment of Silent Reflection. Break into Groups of 3 or 4 to Discuss the Following: How does your Conference live out our Essential Elements?
References Mission Statement: Manual, pp ; Serving in Hope Module I, pp Purpose and Scope: Rule Part I, Statute 1.3 Essential Elements: Rule Part III, Statute 1; Serving in Hope Module I, pp Core of the Society: Manual p. 23
Ozanam Orientation Guidelines 27 The good news is that our National Formation Program has been so successful that formation programs around the country are now quite large! The original guidelines for structuring formation teams and training formators needed some modification to support this growth. The Ozanam Orientation Guidelines we have developed are still a work in progress. The draft included here consists of the best thinking to date on how to develop Formators for the Ozanam Orientation, and how to organize formation teams as we continue to expand. We welcome feedback and will issue a final version at a later date as well as other guidelines for formation. Should you have feedback at a later date, please contact either Sr. Kieran Kneaves ) or Ray Sickinger
The Ozanam Orientation: Formators 28 The Ozanam Orientation is taught by Formators and Presenters. A Formator is a leader/presenter in the formation program who is responsible for the “authentic” presentation of the Ozanam Orientation, and must have a willingness to pursue on-going knowledge of Vincentian spirituality and formation. A Presenter is a person who is able to present a section or several sections of the Ozanam Orientation but is not responsible for the complete oversight of the Orientation.
The Ozanam Orientation: Senior Formator 29 A Senior Formator is a Formator who has accepted responsibility for presenting other formation materials in addition to the Ozanam Orientation, such as training of Spiritual Advisors, presenting of Invitation to Serve, or conducting workshops on mentoring and the Home Visit, to name just a few.
Ozanam Orientation Guidelines 30 The program is organized by a chain of Lead Formators and Formation Coordinators inclusive of Regional, Diocesan Council, and District Council levels. A Regional Lead Formator is a Vincentian who is responsible for training Formators and maintaining the content of the Ozanam Orientation across the Region. A Regional Lead Formator may have one or more Assistant Lead Formators to meet the need for training formators. A Formation Coordinator is a person who oversees the scheduling of Formators and Presenters throughout their Council. Responsibilities for each role are described below
Consistent Chain of Training See “Guidelines for Ozanam Orientation 2016” Regional Lead Formator Appointed by Regional VP Approved by National May appoint Assistant Lead Formators within the region TRAIN National will supply suggested training materials to Regions. Format is flexible to meet local needs. Formators Recruited by Diocesan or District Council Trained by Regional Lead Formator Must attend a Formator Training to be considered a Formator TRAIN Presenters Recruited by Formators in the Council Trained by Formators
Formation Coordinators Coordinate Orientations across Council. Lead creation of Council Formation plan. Provide yearly summary to Regional Lead Formator. May or may not be a Formator. Keep track of Formators and Presenters in region. Leads the creation of Regional Formation Plan. Train new Formators. Arrange OO for isolated conferences and councils. May appoint Assistant Lead Formators to train Formators as needed. Regional Lead Formator Council Formation Coordinator District Council Formation Chair Organize Ozanam Orientations for Council. Train presenters as needed. Provide yearly summary to Council Formation Coordinator. Usually is a Formator. See “Guidelines for Ozanam Orientation 2016”
Part II: The Home Visit 33 The National Office, under Goal I of the Strategic Plan, has initiated a Task Force to create ongoing Vincentian Formation in the Home Visit. The Vision Statement for the Home Visit Task force is: Building upon the home visit as the core of our Vincentian identity, the Society will build deeper relationships with those we serve by providing our members with ongoing formation in the home visit. This formation will allow members to look more deeply at the home visit started by our principal founder, Frederic Ozanam. The Home Visit will be examined through the lenses of diversity, advocacy, and systemic change so that our members can better answer the three fundamental questions of our ministry: who is my neighbor, how can I be a better neighbor to others, and how can I grow deeper in my Vincentian Vocation?
Home Visit 34 In January 2016 an questionnaire was sent out to the National Council Members asking what percent of their Conferences do Home Visits. We received 60 responses out of 120 = 50%. Of those reporting, 90% indicated that 50% or more of their conferences were doing regular Home visits
The Home Visit 35 What formation/training would be most helpful to your Conferences in doing home visits? The spirituality of home visits = 66.4% Recruitment of new members = 63.9% Mentoring people out of poverty = 60.7% Interacting effectively with diverse people/cultures = 52.5% Systemic change principles and methods = 50% Effective communication skills = 46.7% Aligning with partners and developing collaborative relationships with agencies = 39.4% Types of poverty = 37.7%
The Spirituality of the Home Visit: The Home Visit Journal 36 Very few resources on the Home Visit One of the Serving In Hope Modules treats of it The Home Visit Journal is the first step in the journey. Based on some models already in use Focus should be on becoming a Servant of the Poor—not just a business like approach. Review copy provided at meeting
The Home Visit 37 Future initiatives (over the course of the next 18 months) Continue to develop more modules around the Home Visit as it relates to spirituality, systemic change, and diversity. Develop various Home Visit Videos Short videos with various scenarios Mentoring Look for less expensive ways to do this so we can change Review best practice for forming Formators and Home Visitors
Goal 1 38 Two important Developments 1.The newly revised Ozanam Orientation 2.Home Visit Task Force