Welcome! English Language Arts Network April 8, 2016 Please sign in
Icebreaker – making connections to a text Choose an image which best represents your point of view or experience with reading. Introduce yourself to the table and briefly explain your connection to the image. Source: National Reading Campaign
Updates from OTF Theme / Title: Survive, Revive, Thrive, Part 2 – focus on inter-generational member base “Poverty: Understanding and Reducing its Impact - What Schools and Teachers Can Do” – excellent resources developed by ETFO; current research being developed by Brock University researcher Concern from other associations about the curriculum revision process (behind schedule, lack of meaningful consultation with teachers, new process expected)
Resources via OTF (and others) Copyright Matters! New policy simplifies rules for educators; see full document online Copyright Matters! Poverty issues: ETFO’s One in Six documentary, workshop, and teacher resource, Possibilities ($21, order online), Social Justice begins with me - ETFO Kit, Ministry Research Into Practice #47 (Feb 2015)ETFO’s One in Six documentary PossibilitiesSocial Justice begins with meMinistry Research Into Practice #47 (Feb 2015) Robust calendar of OTFConnects webinars; see website / calendar Summer Institutes will be offered in a variety of subjects Consider joining the OTF mail list for updates
Membership Survey: How can ELAN best meet your learning needs? What would you like of your membership? How can we increase membership? (Especially more diverse regional representation) What would encourage you to participate in the Executive? For future meetings and our annual conference, what topics would meet your needs? Other suggestions / feedback? Please watch for an online survey in the upcoming days – share it with English/ Language Arts teachers in your organization