TEORI KOMUNIKASI Paradigma Positivistik
BEBERAPA BUKU TEORI KOMUNIKASI: Stephen W. Littlejohn, 2002, Theories of Human Communication 7th Edition PART II: TOPICS IN COMMUNICATION THEORY System Theory –Information Theory –Cybernetics –Dinamic Social Impact Theory Theories of Sign & Language –Classical Semantic Theory –Language & the Study of Syntatics –The Semantic & Syntatics of Nonverbal Behaviour Theories of Discourse –Conversation Analysis Theories of Message Production –Cognitive Theories Theories of Message Reception & Processing Theories of Symbolic Interaction, Structuration, and Convergece –Symboloc Interactionism (Chicago School vs Iowa School) –Structuration Theory Theories of Social & Cultural Reality –The Social Construction of Reality –Language & Culture Theories of Experience & Interpretation –Phenomenology –Heurmeneutics –Cultural Interpretation Critical Theories –Cultural Studies –Feminist Studies
BEBERAPA BUKU TEORI KOMUNIKASI: Stephen W. Littlejohn, 2002, Theories of Human Communication 7th Edition PART III: CONTEXTUAL THEMES Communication in Relationship –The Nature of Relationship –Managing Relationship Communication in Group Decision Making –The Input-Process-Output Model Commmunication & Organizational Networks Communication & Media –Mediium Theory –Semiotic Media –The Function of Cultural Outcomes The Function of Mass Communication Theory The Diffusuion of Inovation Theory Public Opinion & the Spiral of Science Cultivation Analysis Agenda-Setting –Theories of Individual outcomes Uses & Gratification
BEBERAPA BUKU TEORI KOMUNIKASI: EM Griffin, 2003, A First Look at Communication Theory DIVISION-2: INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Symbolic Interactionsm Coordinates management of Meaning Expectancy Violations Theory Interpersonal Deception Theory Constructivism Social Penetration Theory Uncertainty Reduction Theory Relational Dialectics Social Judgment Theory Elaborationlikelihood Model Cognitive Dissonance Theory
BEBERAPA BUKU TEORI KOMUNIKASI: EM Griffin, 2003, A First Look at Communication Theory DIVISION-3: GROUP & PUBLIC COMMUNICATION DIVISION-4: MASS COMMMUNICATION Technological Determinism Semiotics Cultural Studies Cultivation Theory Agenda-Setting Theory Media Equation DIVISION-5: CULTURAL CONTEXT
BEBERAPA BUKU TEORI KOMUNIKASI: Denis McQuail & Sven Windahl, 1993, Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communication CHAPTER-2: BASIC MODELS The Laswell Formula Shannon-Weaver’s, Osgood & Schramm’s, and Dance’s Models Gerbner’s General Model of Communication Newcomb’s ABX Model Westley & MacLean’s Conceptual Model for Communications Research Maletzke’s Model of the Mass Communication Process Alternatives to Transmission: Ritual & Attention Models CHAPTER-3: PERSONAL INFLUENCE, DIFFUSION & SHORT-TERM EFFECT OF MASS COMMUNICATION ON INDIVIDUAL Stimulus-Response Models Katz & Lazarsfeld’s Two-Step Flow Model of Mass Media & Personal Influence Comstocs’s Psychological Model Television Effects on Individual Behaviour Rogers & Shoemaker’s Model of Innovation Diffusion
BEBERAPA BUKU TEORI KOMUNIKASI: Denis McQuail & Sven Windahl, 1993, Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communication CHAPTER-4: EFFECT OF MASS COMMUNICATION ON CULTURE & SOCIETY Cultural Indicators & the Cultivation Process Agenda Setting A Dependency Model of Mass Communication Effect The Spiral of Silence Informations Gaps of Effects Centrifugal vs Centripetal Effect of Media Society CHAPTER-5: AUDIENCE-CENTRED MODELS The Uses & Gratification Approach Renckstorf’s Social Action Model Audience Reception & Decoding Audience Reach, Choise, and Appreciation