Date/Time Requested: _______________ 1. Please build 2 Information Tent Bulletin Boards 2. Please follow suggested A-Frame Design (See attached suggested design) 3. Please deliver them to the Information Tent Need by ____________________ (Date/Time) If you have any questions, please see _____________, IOF, or _______________, Web Mgr., in the Information Tent. Thank you, _____________________ Page: Info BB – 1 of 2
2 – 4’x8’ Plywood Sheets 4 – 8’ 2x4’s ~ 22 Nails/Wood Screws Materials Needed (per bulletin board) 6’ – 2x4 ~ 1’ 2’ – 2x4 6’ – 2x4 ~ 1’ 2’ – 2x4 6’ – 2x4 4’x 8’ Plywood Sheet (Place Sheet on Both Sides) ~ 5 - Nails or Screws To attach plywood to A-Frame ~ 2 - Nails or Screws To secure legs to one another ~ 2 - Nails or Screws To secure legs to one another Cut 2x4’s into 6’ and 2’ Lengths INFORMATION TENT BULLETIN BOARD SUGGESTED DESIGN INFO TENT Bulletin Board NOT TO SCALE A-Frame Legs A-Frame Leg Support Pieces Extra – Not Used Page: Info BB – 2 of 2
Date/Time Requested: _______________ 1. Please build 3 CAMP Bulletin Boards 2.Please follow suggested A-Frame Design (See attached suggested design) 3.Please place:1 - OUTSIDE INFORMATION TENT 1 - NEXT TO CHOW LINE 1 - __________ END OF MAIN STREET 4.Please Anchor/Secure Bulletin Boards (See attached suggested method) Need by ____________________ (Date/Time) If you have any questions, please see _____________, IOF, or _____________, Web Mgr., in the Information Tent. Thank you, _____________________ Page: Camp BB – 1 of 3
2 – 4’x8’ Plywood Sheets 5 – 8’ 2x4’s ~ 22 Nails/Wood Screws Materials Needed (per bulletin board) 8’ – 2x4 ~ 2’ 4’ – 2x4 8’ – 2x4 6’ – 2x4 ~ 2’ 4’ – 2x4 6’ – 2x4 4’x 8’ Plywood Sheet (Place Sheet on Both Sides) ~ 5 - Nails or Screws To attach plywood to A-Frame ~ 2 - Nails or Screws To secure legs to one another ~ 2 - Nails or Screws To secure legs to one another Cut 1 - 2x4 into 4’ Lengths CAMP BULLETIN BOARD SUGGESTED DESIGN CAMP Bulletin Board NOT TO SCALE A-Frame Legs Cross Piece Leg Supports Page: Camp BB – 2 of 3
NOT TO SCALE 1 gal jugs (milk) filled with water Drill holes and attach jugs with parachute cord. Wood Stakes and attach with nails or wood screws Wood Stakes and attach with nails or wood screws CAMP BULLETIN BOARD SUGGESTED ANCHORING SYSTEM (Please apply to each B-Board Leg) A-Frame B-Board Leg EXPANDED VIEW Page: Camp BB – 3 of 3
Documentation Work Area PCP/D PP PC Misc/Supplies Media Area Firefighter Area Lost & Found Post Office Camp B-Board 1 Phone Bank Info Brief Area 209i / Key Messages IAP Map Key Contacts Daily Assignments IAP/Other Maps Sit Report 209 / Etc Hang-up Folders P P/D Info Tent B-Board Map / Laminated Info Sheet Phone w/ Data Capability Phone (Does not need data capability) Standard Banquet Table (2.5’x8’) Chair Cooler/Ice Chest (2 - Requested on previous order) (Info Section Supplied Items) 1 – Information Tent (~ 20’x40’) PC P/D PC E E E P P P Printer PC Notebook Computer Requested Items Web Mgr(s) Work Area Overhead General Use PC / Info Section Quiet Work Area Info Officer Quiet Phone Interview Area P/D Map / Laminated Info Sheet Phone w/ Data Capability Standard Banquet Table (2.5’x8’) Chair Cooler/Ice Chest – Web Mgr./Info Tent (~ 20’x 20’) P Printer PC Notebook Computer E Web Mgr Equipment Boxes Requested Items Cut The Wire Set-Up Area NOTE: The Info Tent and Web Mgr./Info Tent can be connected if possible. If not connected please locate next to each other, either on the side or in the back of the main Info Tent. Cut The Wire set-up area is only a suggestion.
Information Section Request for Second Tent/Yurt The Lead IOF and the Web Manager have determined that a second tent/yurt would be provide for a more productive and environmentally conducive (less stressful) work configuration for both the Information Officers and the Web Manger(s). The IOFs need a work area that allows them to: 1. communicate with the general walk-in public and media; 2. conduct phone conversations with the general public; 3. provide for a “Firefighter Friendly” area; 4. media / general public / agency representatives mini-briefing area; 5. hold section AM/PM briefings; 6. provide for firefighter postal services and lost & found area; 7. general IOF PC notebook area (pull Sit Reports, Internet news articles, etc.) The Web Manger(s) & IOFs need a work area that allows them to: 1. concentrate on technical tasks (web updates, web design, PC user support requests, camp newsletter, etc.); 2. quiet area for generating information documents (new releases, dignitary visit packages, thank you letters, etc.); 3. quiet area for media phone interviews; 4. dust free environment (IOFs like windows open, Web Mgr require windows closed to minimize dust/equipment failure); 5. quiet area for Overhead general use PC and work area; IOFs need a work area to allow for hustle and bustle / high energy (sometimes loud and noisy) and high foot traffic to best accomplish their mission and goals. Web Manager(s) (and IOFs at times) need a quiet, low foot traffic, area to best meet their mission and goals. Please take this need/request for 2 tents/yurts for the Info Section into consideration when ordering work spaces and ICP design. Thank You