Market Metrics RMS March 13 th, 2002 ERCOT MetCenter
Issues from February 28th RMS Issue: MM needs a Independent Third Party to send data to Resolved: Third Party was identified and has compiled the data Issue: MM is currently in unison with PUCT Reporting Resolved: MPs understand they are to be reporting both Issue: Participation Unresolved: There is still not full market participation in Market Metrics.
First Round of Market Metrics Participation Approximately 9 CRs participating All TDSPs participated ERCOT participated ERCOT had technical problems, was unable to complete Lessons learned Workbooks had inconsistent formats Did not meet all the projected dates
The Numbers First Submittal February 8 th Reporting Through February 28th “344” Total Sample ESI IDs (Approximately “65” Never Submitted) Operational measure nets out all cancels and rejects “33” 814_02s were received by CRs Of these “3” 814_02s were received for ESI IDs the day before the 814_05 was “7” 814_08s were received by CRs There were “239” 814_01s successfully submitted There were “118” 814_05s received by CRs 49% of the Total Sample ESI IDs were enrolled
814_01 Performance from the CRs Perspective
A Look at the Pipeline
Within Protocols Based on the “118” 814_05s CRs received 40% with in protocols +1 day +2 days +3 days +4 days +5 days +6 days to +9 days
Market Metrics “Web-Based”
Web Based Reporting Efforts have begun to design a web interface to replace the need for the workbooks that are currently exchanged This will be an ERCOT secured website Web capabilities should be up and running for the 3 rd Round of Market Metrics Sampling Market Participants can access the web to obtain individual performance reports
Web Based Reporting
Next Steps 2 nd Round of Sampling has already commenced Starting February 22 nd Reporting Through March 14th CRs/TDSPs/ERCOT have results on samples due to ITP-ERCOT on March 15 Web-Page is being under development Automated data entry Market and Market Participant Reports Market Metrics will meet March 22 nd for an instructional meeting on web design Once Sample Metrics are fully operational, Market Metrics will introduce Volume Metrics (Aggregate Totals & Trends)
Questions on Web-Based