Welcome to Kingsbury School Sport Partnership Step into Sport Leadership Academy
By the end of this session you will: o Have an understanding of Step Into Sport / Leadership Academies. o Have an idea of who will support you (SSCo, PE staff) o Know what training (in-house,qualifications) is available to you o Be registered onto the passport system o Know what to do next (exit route)
What is step into sport Part of the Governments PESSYP strategy Enable young people to begin and sustain an involvement in leadership and volunteering in sport. Step on, Step In, Step out.
Leadership Academies Localised support for young leaders within School Sport Partnerships. Mentoring support to young leaders on a group and Individual basis Signpost young leaders on to appropriate qualifications and awards. Support young leaders to source appropriate placements and volunteering experience.
Volunteering Opportunities Coaching Officiating Competitions Events Other eg media, web design, management
Step into Sport Volunteering Hours Defined When students log their hours on the online system they will now be asked to select whether the hours were done in school or the community so it is important that they understand the difference. School Volunteering Hours: Helping out in lessons Assisting in primary schools (this is considered school volunteering as it is within the school environment regardless of being on a different site) After school clubs Lunch time clubs Intra-school competitions Max 25% of hours can be training Community Volunteering Hours: Local sports club Youth Clubs Scouts or Guides Duke of Edinburgh Inter-school competitions Sport Unlimited activities (including those run on the school site) Any clubs that are run at school by an outside (community group)
SIS On-Line Volunteer Passport. Online portfolio for Step In & Step out. Log and manage your volunteering Allow organisations to monitor and track work done. Accreditation for number of volunteer hours.
Volunteering Passport Log On to the computer: Username: studentguest1 Password: password Open Internet Explorer
Student Codes: Alperton Community School: Claremont High School: J.F.S: Kingsbury High School: Preston Manor High School: St Gregory RC: Wembley High:
Where is my support? Bang on the door! SSCo PE staff Local coaches Sports development. West London Pro Active
Successful Sports Leadership/Coaching !!! Knowledge Confidence Enthusiasm Respect Commitment Organised Adaptive Fun Safe Ethical
Post Cards Write a post card to your self. Give your self actions that you must complete over the next two months
The Volunteering Pledge Vote Options: