Unit 1: Communication 1.What does it mean to communicate?
Communication is… the act or process of transmitting information.
Can you think of any ways in which we transmit information?.....
Spoken Language is… communicating through verbalization.
Written Language is… communicating using symbols to represent words.
A Gesture is… the transfer of meaning without words.
A Sound is… a vocalization associated with meaning, which changes with pitch.
A Symbol is… a picture representing a word. ouXA
A pictograph …..is a symbol or drawing that represents a specific object. A ideograph …is a symbol that represents actions and conveys ideas. 2 IMPORTANT TERMS WHEN TALKING ABOUT SYMBOLS ARE:
See if you can identify the meaning of the following symbols:
Paired Activity! Turn to your Elbow partner, and open your textbooks to pages 6-7. With your partner, do exercises: A, C, D, F or G, H. HOMEWORK: Exercise I, pg. 7. Invent Your Own Language! Due: 2 classes from now. (A Days: Monday) (B Days: Tuesday)
LET’S RECAP: Communication is: the act or process of transmitting information. Language is: the exchange and transfer of meaning
WHAT ARE THE METHODS OF COMMUNICATION? 1.Spoken Language (Listening & Speaking) 2.Written Language (Reading & Writing) 3.Body Language (Gestures) 4.Sounds 5.Symbols 6.Signs
Thoughts to ponder… What makes gestures and symbols special and unique for each language? *Hint, the word I am looking for begins with a “C”!
What is it called when people do not communicate effectively?
With the advancement of technology, communication is constantly…
Tools for Communication
Tools for Communication
Social Media
Social Media
Unit 1 Chapter 2: Open your textbooks to page 9 Language and Language Families
Language VS Communication What is the difference between language and communication? Whereas communication is the act of interacting in order to send a message in a variety of different forms… Language is the method of spoken and written human communication (consisting of the use of words) used by a particular community or country. According to Ethnologue, there 7,106 living languages spoken in the world by nearly 6.3 billion people…that’s a lot!
Language History The specific origin of human speech is still unknown, and no one knows for sure when or how humans began to speak or language began. However there are some theories. ◦Religious: language was a gift from the gods. ◦Scientific: language began as an imitation of sounds occurring in nature. ◦Innate: language is a natural human response to emotions and physical activity and developed over time. Scientists also have different theories on how early humans communicated.
The Origin of Language Khoisan: A collective term for the Khoikhoi (Hottentot) and San (Bushmen) peoples of southern Africa. A language family of southern Africa, including the languages of the Khoikhoi and San, notable for the use of clicks as consonants. The San Bushman People
If the World Were a Village Imagine: What if our world was a village of 100 people? What countries would people come from? What languages would people speak? Where would the U.S. and English be in comparison to other countries and languages? If the World were a Village
Distribution of Living Languages *By area of language origin* AreaLiving languagesNumber of speakers CountPercentTotalPercentMeanMedian Africa 2, ,209, ,54427,000 Americas 1, ,456, ,5441,150 Asia 2, ,770,496, ,637,21112,000 Europe ,656,808, ,813,36350,000 Pacific 1, ,740, , Totals 7, ,295,712, ,9717,000
Language Families Every living language belongs to what is called a language family. A language family is… ◦A group of languages that is related through descent from a common ancestor. Just like in human families, there are “relatives” that are closer than others within a family. ◦Can you think of any languages that are “close relatives?”
The Indo-European Family The “most popular” family also includes three sub-categories as well: ◦Germanic ◦Romance ◦Slavic Can you give an example of each one of these sub-categories?
The Top Ten Language Families *By number of speakers* Language family Approx. # of speakers % of world population 1. Indo-European2.562 billion44.78% 2. Sino-Tibetan1.276 billion22.28% 3. Niger-Congo358 million6.26% 4. Afro-Asiatic340 million5.93% 5. Austronesian312 million5.45% 6. Dravidian222 million3.87% 7. Altaic145 million2.53% 8. Japanese123 million2.16% 9. Austro-Asiatic101 million1.77% 10. Tai-Kadai78 million1.37% Total percentage of world's population:96.4%
L1 is… your 1 st language learned.
L2 is… your 2 nd language learned.
A Tonal Language is… variations in tone that distinguish meaning of words/phrases.
Written language? 1. Ami 2. Freund 3. Tomodachi ( 友達 ) 4. Amicus 5. Prijatelj 6. Venn 7. Chingu ( 친구 ) 8. Amigo 9. Друг 10. Arkadaşı a) Norweigan b) Japanese c) Turkish d) French e) Russian f) Latin g) German h) Spanish i) Serbian j) Korean Friend… People have friends in every language! Can you match the written form of “friend” on the left to the language it is written in on the right?