Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 11 Outcome 1 - factors which contribute to the effectiveness of the organisation
2 Duties and Qualities of an Admin Assistant Duties - eg: Handle enquiries Electronic file management Making travel arrangements Answering telephone Qualities - eg: Standard Grade Admin Experience of ‘Office’ Communication skills Problem solving Able to work on own and/or part of a team
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 13 Job Description and Person Specification examples
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 14 Job Description and Person Specification descriptions Job Description: Purpose of the job Duties and tasks to be performed Responsibilities of the job holder Who the job holder is responsible to/for Person Spec: Skills needed Qualifications needed Experience needed Qualities needed Often split into essential and desirable
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 15 Identifying current skills and gaps in skills: Why do we need to do this? Learn new skills Do your job better Get promotion Enjoy your job better Note: many people don’t like assessing their own skills and qualities!
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 16 Skills scan c list showing skills/knowledge + how far you have mastered them eg Identifying current skills and gaps in skills:
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 17 SWOT analysis Identifying current skills and gaps in skills: Strengths: Good at? Good Skills/ qualities? Weaknesses: Bad at? Bad Skills/ qualities? Opportunities: Promotion? New job? Threats: Changes (esp IT)? Can you adapt?
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 18 Effective Communication Features of GOOD communication: accurate - correct complete – not missing/short timely – must get it in time! relevant – to the audience cost effective – cost must be justified meaningful – use correct method/language
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 19 Effective Communication INTERNAL communication: With colleagues Usually informal , memo, meetings EXTERNAL communication: With customers Formal and structured Letters (using house-style), reports, presentations
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 110 Methods of communication: Oral (verbal) Quick and direct Cheaper Allows discussion Feedback Non-verbal cues eg body language Flexible – change to suit Sensitive – for personal matters
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 111 Methods of communication: No record Can be interrupted or distracted Personality clashes Emotions eg angry at something If large numbers Oral (verbal)
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 112 Methods of communication: Permanent record Everyone received same information Can re-read Read at own convenience Better if many points to be covered Written
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 113 Methods of communication: Time – to prepare/send letter Inflexible – no immediate feedback or interaction No non-verbal cues Inaccessible/difficult for some eg dyslexia Written
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 114 Barriers to Communication How well you listen Like/dislike for other people Distorted message – not understood Noise – physical, technical, social, psychological Perceptions Jump to conclusions No interest - must be in correct form to appeal to needs of reciever Too much information (overload)
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 115 Effect of Poor Communication?
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 116 Mission Statement Sets out the purpose of organisation Why? Allow staff to identify with the objectives of the org. Establishes a sense of purpose Allows policies to be established
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 117 Customer Service Gaining and retaining customers How? Good communication Be nice/good service Answer questions/enquiries Fix problems/things Deal with complaints After sales service
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 118 Customer Service What is POOR Customer Service? Not listening to customers Poor communication No opportunity for customer comment/feedback Poorly trained staff No/unclear complaints procedure Bad impression/presentation
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 119 Customer Service Benefits of Good Customer Service? Customer loyalty Good reputation Remain competitive Increase customers Become market leader Survive!
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 120 Consumer Rights: Trade Descriptions Act Description of product must be accurate. eg leather jacket must be leather Consumer Credit Act Protection for customers buying on credit eg. Must get written credit agreement, details of payment dates, method, etc. Cooling-off period.
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 121 Consumer Rights: The Sale of Goods Act Products must be a ‘satisfactory quality’, last a reasonable time, be ‘as described’ be ‘fit for purpose’. If not - can demand money back from RETAILER! Consumer Protection Act Price must be accurately displayed + goods must be safe (meet safety standards).
Admin Services Int 1/2-Outcome 122 Consumer Rights: The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations For customers who order over the phone, mail order, fax, digital TV, etc Eg written info pre sale, cooling-off period, refund in goods not deliver on time (or 30 days), protection against credit-card fraud.