Info-Tech Research Group1 1 Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. Is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns. © Info-Tech Research Group Inc. Grow Agile Beyond the Team into the Enterprise Know the common scaling hurdles and roadblocks and proactively address them. Info-Tech's products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.© Info-Tech Research Group
Info-Tech Research Group2 2 This Research is Designed For:This Research Will Help You: This Research Will Assist:This Research Will Help You: This Research Is Designed For:This Research Will Help You: This Research Will Also Assist:This Research Will Help Them: Our Understanding of the Problem Applications Director who is accountable for the execution, optimization, and scaling of agile development. Agile coaches who assist project teams to overcome common impediments and facilitate further scaling of agile in the enterprise. Members of organizations looking to expand agile beyond individual IT teams. Assess your readiness to scale agile in your enterprise. Reveal common communication, governance, and development issues that restrict your ability to successfully scale agile in an enterprise context. Develop customizable solutions to address your high priority scaling impediments. Project teams who are tasked with completing projects using agile. Stakeholders and managers looking to integrate agile into existing steering committee-type scoping and execution. Ensure a common understanding of agile values and principles in context at all levels of the enterprise. Continuously improve your agile approach with continual feedback and metrics generated from retrospectives.
Info-Tech Research Group3 3 Resolution Situation ! Complication ? Info-Tech Insight Executive Summary Agile benefits are seen in small, collocated teams: high quality products, improved transparency, and collaborative culture. Success stories resonate among your teams and management in your organization. You now want to see these benefits on a larger scale, involving many teams and different types of projects that potentially do not use agile. Scaling agile up and out in your enterprise will introduce a different set of obstacles that you must consider: managing the coordination of multiple teams, integrating with waterfall milestones, and incorporating agile metrics in traditional reporting. A common understanding of agile in your context becomes important in ensuring each team member is generally working toward the same goal. There can be many areas in your organization that derail your agile scaling initiatives, such as management concerns, poor communication channels, or inadequate development practices. Understand the current state of your teams in order to determine which problems you would like to address first. Conduct Your Retrospectives: Discuss your experiences of previous agile projects with all of your agile coaches to regularly identify issues that need to be addressed. Complete a Root Cause Analysis: Consult your project teams to reveal root issues. Do this through retrospectives, process and value flow assessments, and product backlog evaluations. Develop Customized Solutions: There is no silver bullet. Each team and project may encounter different problems during their sprints. Tailor your solutions to the context of each team and regularly review their effectiveness. 1.Only focus on your most impactful scaling impediments: Be disciplined and trust your empowered project teams to steer the right way in implementing changes that accommodate variable requirements. 2.Build a team of agile coaches: Escalate large and complex blockers to your agile coaches in order to remove key impediments and help coordinate your teams and projects.
Info-Tech Research Group4 4 Take Info-Tech’s approach to learn and scale up agile in your organization 1. Implement Agile Practices That WorkImplement Agile Practices That Work Select the ideal pilot project and team to initially implement agile. Understand the core mechanics of the scrum implementation. 1. Implement Agile Practices That WorkImplement Agile Practices That Work Select the ideal pilot project and team to initially implement agile. Understand the core mechanics of the scrum implementation. 2. Optimize the Current Agile Process for Scalability to Prepare for a Wider RolloutOptimize the Current Agile Process for Scalability to Prepare for a Wider Rollout Identify areas from your pilot for improvement. Optimize based on team experience and metrics. Scale out agile to additional projects and teams. 2. Optimize the Current Agile Process for Scalability to Prepare for a Wider RolloutOptimize the Current Agile Process for Scalability to Prepare for a Wider Rollout Identify areas from your pilot for improvement. Optimize based on team experience and metrics. Scale out agile to additional projects and teams. 3. Grow Agile Beyond the Team into the Enterprise Prepare your organization to overcome the communication, governance, and development blockers as you scale agile in your organization. You are here!
Info-Tech Research Group5 5 Know the basics behind the scrum methodology What is the Scrum Process? A list of tasks based on your requirements. 1. Create Backlog A task complexity/resource allocation plan and a list of prioritized tasks. 2. Sprint Planning A regular update to drive out a list of issues blocking the completion of the tasks. 3. Daily Scrum A chart that transparently provides status of tasks completed. 4. Burndown The working product delivered to a product owner for acceptance. 5. Sprint Review Discussion of lessons learned and improvements to be made within the team. 6. Sprint Retrospective Initiation of a new sprint of the scrum process. 7. Next Sprint Who is Involved in Scrum? Team: responsible for completing high quality products that are tightly aligned to business needs and expectations. Scrum Master: responsible for facilitating and leading each step of scrum and escalating blockers and risks. Product Owner: responsible for identifying, clarifying, and noting the importance of business requirements and user stories
Info-Tech Research Group6 6 Key Terminologies Used in this Blueprint Agile Mindset: A set of attitudes valuing respect, communication, collaboration, empowerment to make changes, and self-organization of tasks. An individual with an agile mindset will strive for continuous and proactive improvements and has a value-driven approach to project completion. Culture: The sum of behaviors, beliefs, values, attitudes, and the project approaches within an organization. An agile culture fosters the values and principles of the agile manifesto: promoting the importance of social interactions, team empowerment, openness, and respect. Scaling Out: The process of rolling agile across multiple teams and projects Scaling Up: The process of rolling agile into the enterprise and portfolio levels of the organization. Self-Organization: The team’s empowerment and self-discipline to collaborate and dictate how the project will deliver on stakeholder expectations. Team Dynamics: The influences and motivators that dictate how a team member behaves, interacts, and performs with other members, teams, and stakeholders.
Info-Tech Research Group7 7 Build upon lessons learned from your previous experiences with agile Accomplishments from Optimizing Your Agile Implementation Training initiatives are established to improve soft skills which are important in creating and maintaining an agile culture. A good understanding of agile, management capabilities, and relationship management should also be key components. Coaches play an integral part in the initial sprints of new agile teams; they should gradually back away as teams gain more experience. They should also help teams tailor their agile process and culture to fit their context. Project teams are focused on building and supporting key values of an agile culture: team collaboration, continuous process improvement through retrospectives, team empowerment, and regular product feedback for future enhancements. Artifacts completed at the end of each sprint are tightly aligned with current stakeholder priorities and demonstrate business value. A metrics monitoring plan is established to measure the success of your agile implementation and highlight areas for improvement. Metrics should include qualitative aspects like team satisfaction and quantitative aspects like effort points and technical debt. Accomplishments from Optimizing Your Agile Implementation Training initiatives are established to improve soft skills which are important in creating and maintaining an agile culture. A good understanding of agile, management capabilities, and relationship management should also be key components. Coaches play an integral part in the initial sprints of new agile teams; they should gradually back away as teams gain more experience. They should also help teams tailor their agile process and culture to fit their context. Project teams are focused on building and supporting key values of an agile culture: team collaboration, continuous process improvement through retrospectives, team empowerment, and regular product feedback for future enhancements. Artifacts completed at the end of each sprint are tightly aligned with current stakeholder priorities and demonstrate business value. A metrics monitoring plan is established to measure the success of your agile implementation and highlight areas for improvement. Metrics should include qualitative aspects like team satisfaction and quantitative aspects like effort points and technical debt. This blueprint builds off your knowledge and experiences from completing Info-Tech’s Optimize the Current Agile Process for Scalability to Prepare for a Wider Rollout. Review that blueprint before continuing this deck.Optimize the Current Agile Process for Scalability to Prepare for a Wider Rollout
Info-Tech Research Group8 8 Before you begin this project, establish your baseline metrics from past projects Metric Description Current Measurement Future Goal Technical Debt Team Productivity Team Satisfaction Look at your previous agile projects to establish initial benchmarks of your current technical debt, team productivity, and team satisfaction. As you conduct your retrospectives for this project, revisit these metrics to determine if scaling agile initiatives are improving your products, team, and organization. Productivity can be measured using your sprint burndown and burn up charts. Satisfaction can be measured with surveys completed by team members. Leverage Info-Tech’s Agile Team Satisfaction Survey to determine your team’s satisfaction with agile and engagement.Agile Team Satisfaction Survey
Info-Tech Research Group9 9 Blueprint Introduction: Use Info-Tech’s approach to optimize and scale out your agile practice Best Practice Toolkit 1.Build your case to begin scaling up agile. 2.Understand Info-Tech’s approach. 1.Conduct a retrospective with agile coaches. 2.Determine your readiness to scale up agile. 3.Identify your high priority communication, governance, and development issues. 1.Conduct root cause analysis for each high priority issue. 2.Develop customizable solutions to address the root causes of your issues. Note: This phase contains 3 sub-phases – communication, governance, and development techniques. Choose the sub- phase(s) applicable for you. 1.Create your prioritized scaling backlog for implementation. 2.Continuously monitor the implementation of your solutions. 3.Generate new solutions based on feedback from retrospectives and metrics. Guided Implementations (GI) GI Call 1: Discuss your drivers for scaling up agile. Review your high priority scaling issues. Interpret your readiness to scale agile. GI Call 2: Evaluate the root causes of your high priority issues. Discuss your scaling solutions. GI Call 3: Discuss the sizing and prioritization of your agile scaling user stories. Discuss tips behind the implementation and monitoring of your solutions. Results Phase 1 Outcome: Rationale behind scaling up agile List of high priority scaling issues to address Phase 2 Outcome: Root causes of your scaling issues User stories of agile scaling solutions Phase 3 Outcome: Prioritized scaling backlog Monitoring plan Take the First Step In Scaling Agile in the Enterprise Phase 1: Identify Your Agile Scaling Impediments Phase 2: Address Your Issues Phase 3: Implement and Monitor Your Scaling Initiatives
Info-Tech Research Group10Info-Tech Research Group10 Call ext or for more Workshop Overview Workshop Debrief Meet with your team of agile coaches to discuss workshop deliverables and action items. Wrap up outstanding items from workshop. Regular Touch Points Establish touch points with Info- Tech to discuss the success and impediments that occurred during implementation of your scaling solutions. Itinerary Size and prioritize your user stories for scaling agile. Create a monitoring plan to gauge the success of your agile scaling initiatives. Establish next steps for continual scaling. Workshop Preparation Facilitator meets with the applications director or agile coaches to discuss past agile experiences and current organizational culture. The scope of current agile projects are discussed. Gathering of metrics from past projects to act as benchmarks. Itinerary Discuss the common misinterpretations and benefits with scaling up agile. Learn about the various industry agile frameworks. Conduct a retrospective with agile coaches to identify current and potential scaling impediments. Identify your readiness to begin scaling up agile. Itinerary Find the root causes for each of your communication, governance, and development technique issues. Develop and tailor scaling user stories for the solutions to address your issues. Workshop Preparation Working Session Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 This workshop has the option to be deployed as a two-day onsite engagement, dependent on the size of the workshop participants and the scope of your agile scaling initiatives.
Info-Tech Research Group11Info-Tech Research Group11 Optimize Agile for Scalability Goals in This Section Understand common myths as you scale agile. Be prepared to initially see a temporary drop in productivity. Understand Info-Tech’s approach to scaling up agile. Consider common agile scaling frameworks as a starting point. Key Step Insight There are common agile scaling issues but no single “silver bullet” solution to resolve them. Change, complications, and roadblocks are natural occurrences in agile and they can disrupt the progress of your project, risking delayed delivery or poor quality solutions. Consequently, the priority of your user stories may shift. Continuously revisit your backlogs and reprioritize your stories based on your distinct people, process, and technology state in your current sprint. Key Step Insight I would rather focus on spending money wisely as opposed to coming in on a mythical budget. I would rather build solutions that meet people's needs as opposed to working towards a mythical requirements document. Part of scaling agile is to shift your culture to what is important as opposed to bureaucracy. It's less about practices and more about shifting in mindset. – Scott W. Ambler, Senior Consulting Partner, Scott Ambler + Associates.
Info-Tech Research Group12Info-Tech Research Group12 Info-Tech Research Group Helps IT Professionals To: Sign up for free trial membership to get practical solutions for your IT challenges Quickly get up to speed with new technologies Make the right technology purchasing decisions – fast Deliver critical IT projects, on time and within budget Manage business expectations Justify IT spending and prove the value of IT Train IT staff and effectively manage an IT department “Info-Tech helps me to be proactive instead of reactive – a cardinal rule in a stable and leading edge IT environment. - ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., LP Toll Free: