GRADING n n Grading that reflects the actual ability of the student n n Grading as a personal communication
GRADING PRACTICES: GRADING PRACTICES: The Early Days n n Optime (honor men) n n Second Optime (pass men) n n Inferiores (charity passes) n n Pejores (unmentionables) Yale 1783 Yale 1783
Types of Scoring Methods n Criterion-referenced Provides absolute comparisons Describes student performance in relation to pre-set standard n Norm-referenced Provides relative comparisons Describes individual performance in comparison to others
Types of Assessments n Formative assessment The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning n Summative assessment The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit
VALIDITY n n What Validity represents n n How we establish Validity Meaningful activities (Relevancy) Representativeness (Content) Appropriate format Weighting
RELIABILITY n n What Reliability represents n n How we establish Reliability Criteria for scoring Acknowledging subjectivity Sufficient opportunities
Factors Contributing to Fair Grading n Alignment n Clarity of Expectation (e.g. exemplars) n Transparency n Skill of the students n Skill of assessor n Effective Feedback
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING SCORING RUBRIC n n 4- Thorough Understanding n n 3- Good Understanding n n 2- Satisfactory Understanding n n 1- Needs Improvement
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING SCORING RUBRIC n n 4- Thorough Understanding Consistently works toward group goals Is sensitive to needs of all the group Willingly fulfills individual role within the group Consistently contributes knowledge, opinions, skills Values the knowledge of all group members Helps group identify necessary group changes
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING SCORING RUBRIC n n 1- Needs Improvement Works only when prompted Contributes only when prompted Needs reminders to be sensitive to others Participates in needed changes when prompted