Injury Prevention at Barrow and St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center
Phoenix Bicycle/ Vehicle Safety Education Project NHTSA Grant
Evaluate Three Approaches “Helmet Your Head” Classroom presentations on bicycle safety emphasizing the consequences on brain injury from not wearing a helmet or following traffic safety rules.
Evaluate Three Approaches “Bicycle Driver Education” Emphasizing the transportation aspect of bicycles and addressing students as future drivers with a need to understand the “rules of the road”.
Evaluate Three Approaches “Urban Survival Bicycling” A clinic involving parents and students interested in learning more about safe bicycling. “Hands on” demonstrations on defensive and safe bicycling practices.
Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Phoenix Robert Wood Johnson
Proposal Summary Year 1 - Focus on traffic related injuries within our target community Epidemiological investigation - falls and “struck by/against” Expand and improve injury surveillance Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Phoenix
Proposal Summary Years 2 and 3 - Continue traffic related injury focus Implement Strategic Plan based on Year 1 results Continue expansion of Injury Surveillance System Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Phoenix
Community Education, Outreach and Prevention Barrow Neurological Institute
Injury Prevention Development and revision of Helmet Your Head curriculum Model Training Center for Think First National Injury Prevention Foundation in Arizona Collaboration with state and local agencies and organizations
Injury Prevention Over 200 presentations educating 7,700 students and community members annually Frequent requests from schools without direct marketing methods Revised HYH Bicycle Safety Education for middle school students
CPS Education and Car Seat Checks
CPS Education Car Seat Checks Children are priceless passengers (GOHS) –Offenders program –Past 11 months seats provided; 53 installations Interdepartmental Car seat program –Past 11 months seats provided; 137 installations
CPS Education Car Seat Checks Community CPS Program –Past 11 months seats provided; 65 installations Boot Camp for Dads –73 dads in attendance