Conflict Resolution Role Play Skits
Announcements: P.1 – Vice Principal to visit different classrooms today, including ours. Please welcome her to our classroom community!
Learning Goal: By the end of today’s class, I will be able to state and use effective communication techniques and respond in an assertive and constructive ways when faced when pressured by, or disagreeing with, others. Passive Response Aggressive Response Assertive Response
4 Corners Scenario #1 Your best friend copies your homework and submits it as his or her own work. Your teacher gives you a zero because she thinks you copied your friend’s work. You do not want to fight with your friend, so you do not say anything and hope he or she does not do it again.
4 Corners Scenario #2 Your mom comes home late from work to find a sink full of dishes. Your sibling, who made the mess, is already fast asleep, so your mom demands that you clean the dishes. You go to your sibling’s room, turn on the light and yell at him/her to get up and go do the dishes.
4 Corners Scenario #3 You witness your little cousin trap and kill a squirrel. Realizing this is wrong, you ask him why he has done this and he replies indicating that all of his friends kill both squirrels and birds. You become upset and passionately explain why killing is wrong.
WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? (Video Examples) Passive Response Aggressive Response Assertive Response
JESUS AND THE ADULTRESS (John 7:53-8:11) How does Jesus react?
JESUS AT THE TEMPLE (Matthew 21: 12-13) How does Jesus react?
PASSIVE, AGGRESSIVE AND ASSERTIVE RESPONSES (Video Examples) Passive Response Aggressive Response Assertive Response
Role Play Checklist Please complete the worksheet included in your envelope BEFORE you begin practicing your skit. Skits: 1. Passive OR aggressive skit 2. Assertive skit (resolve your problem using the techniques discussed in class) Passive Response Aggressive Response Assertive Response