Image and Signal Processing CAMEA, spol. s r.o. Headquarters: Kořenského 25, , Brno Branch offices: Prague, Lanškroun Tel.: Czech Republic TRAFFIC MONITORING SYSTEMSVISUAL INSPECTION SYSTEMS
CAMEA Founded in 1995 by a group of researchers focused on R&D in the field of image and signal processing, computer graphics and hardware accelerated real-time processing A strongly customer- focused company Certified with ISO 9001 R&D, manufacturing, selling, servicing, maintenance of components, systems, custom solution Has produced and deployed around the world hundreds of visual systems with thousands of video cameras and real-time processing units Focus on industrial and traffic applications 2 TRAFFIC MONITORING SYSTEMSVISUAL INSPECTION SYSTEMS
Visual Inspection systems used in industry ▪ Web Inspection defect detection (textiles, plastic foils, paper, metal plates,…) ▪ Bottle Inspection defect detection (missing bottle parts, chipped bottlenecks,…) 3 VISUAL INSPECTION SYSTEMS
Visual Inspection systems used in industry 4 VISUAL INSPECTION SYSTEMS ▪ Component Inspection defect detection (cracks, fragments, contamination,…) ▪ Label Inspection ▪ Packaging Quality Control
UNICAM – Multifunctional Traffic Monitoring System Section Speed Control Red-Light Violation Monitoring Wanted / Stolen Vehicle Search Lidar Speed Measurement Speed Measurement using Inductive Loops Travel (Journey) Time Measurement Traffic Data Collection & Surveys, etc. 5 TRAFFIC MONITORING SYSTEM
UNICAM WIM – Weight in motion system Features Type approved for back office enforcement (Czech Republic) Measurement for enforcement, pre-selection or statistics purposes 6 TRAFFIC MONITORING SYSTEM Purpose Preserving roads by measuring overloaded vehicles High quality traffic counting and classification
UNICAM Solution Benefits Safer roads and intersections Emissions and noise reduction Crime prevention Better traffic control More advanced traffic planning Fatal accidents in Prague [European Transport Safety Council] 1997 – 100 2007 – 62 2008 – 36 Features Field proven and reliable technology Quick and easy installation Low power and wireless High quality traffic violations documentation Complete turnkey 7 Relative Speed Violations in Prague 09/ /2007 [Source: Metropolitan Police, Prague] TRAFFIC MONITORING SYSTEM %
Research projects EUREKA UNICAMNET R&D intelligent net of ITS Global traffic view => better traffic control optimization INTELLIVIDEO OE219 Development of intelligent cameras, new visual system architecture with unique features OLIGOSYNT Synthesis quality of oligonucleotide DNA chip Microarray quality evaluation for better results in biological markers Quality evaluation through computer vision during manufactoring process Collaboration with Eyedea, Essence line and other international partners 8 RESEARCH PROJECTS
Other research projects BIOMARKER – Early detection of biological markers (cancer detection) RECOMP - Reduced certification cost for trusted multi- core platforms R3COP – Robust & safe mobile co-operative autonomous systems 9 RESEARCH PROJECTS