Metadata generation, control and updating Peter Thijsse - MARIS
Oostende - 18/19 June Overview Introduction Program time frame General rules for SDN Directory management Mapping to common vocabularies Management of EDMO and EDMERP Management of EDMED Management of CSR Presentation of Mikado tool XML Validation services Practical work
Oostende - 18/19 June Programme Metadata generation, control and update. 14: :30 - Rules for directory management and update (Peter Thijsse, Maris) o How to submit new records? o How to update existing records? o Management of record identifiers. 14: :45 - Management of EDMO and EDMERP metadata (Peter Thijsse, Maris) 14: :00 - Mapping the local system to the common vocabulary and EDMO, EDMERP (Peter Thijsse, Maris) 15: :15 - Management of EDMED and CDI metadata (Peter Thijsse, Maris) 15: :30 - Management of CSR (Anne Che-Bohnenstengel, BSH) 15: :50 - Coffee Break 15: :20 - Presentation of Mikado tool (Michèle Fichaut- Vanessa Tosello, SISMER) :30 - XML Validation services (Michèle Fichaut, SISMER) 16: :30 - Practical work o Use EDMO and EDMERP online input forms. o Use CSR online input forms. Wednesday 18 June 2008
Oostende - 18/19 June Programme (Cont.) 09: :30 - Practical work (cont.) Use of Mikado tool for EDMED, EDMERP, CSR, CDI o Manual use o Automatic use o Use of validation services Thursday 19 June 2008
Oostende - 18/19 June Rules for directory management and update (general introduction)
Oostende - 18/19 June Rules for directory management and update Overview metadata management How to submit new records? How to update existing records? Format basis Management of record identifiers. Topics
Oostende - 18/19 June Overview metadata management SDN overview directories EDMED - Data Sets EDMERP - Research Projects CSR - Cruise Summary Reports EDIOS - Monitoring systems EDMO - Marine Organisations CDI - Common Data Index
Oostende - 18/19 June services for metadata Data downloading services Visualization services (WMS) for V2 Ifremer Database BODC Database BSH Database... Download managers in Data centers CSREDIOS EDMED CDI Shopping basket Requests status manager datametadata CSR CDI Project info Metadata & Data catalogues Data request Status of request General requestMetadata request Organisation + data source id Data download at BODCat BSHat MARIS + EDMERP Entry point for access hits EDMO EDIOSEDMED EDMERPEDMO Software Vocabularies StandardsCross search AAA Registr. My transact. User Register User registration
Oostende - 18/19 June Overview metadata management Online maintenance by NODCs via Content Management System (incl master editing options) – only EDMERP, EDMO, CSR XML export from local system in a semi-automatic way, with exchange initiated by NODCs at regular intervals XML export from local system in automatic and continuous proces (harvesting system). Most relevant for CDI No use of MS-Access anymore! How to submit/create new and update existing records:
Oostende - 18/19 June Overview metadata management The ISO content model is the basis for the XML formats and exchange schema (XSD). V0 -> V1: The existing ISO based XSD has been extended using Schematron and OCL to support the checking of mandatory fields (for EDMED), and use of codes from the Common Vocabularies and use of organization codes from EDMO. Format basis Vocabularies Use of SeaDataNet common vocabularies for platform types, parameters, instruments etc. in all directories Use of EDMO as organization vocabulary EDMERP as „project vocabulary“ All available as webservices to enable constant accessibility of last version SDN Vocab Service :
Oostende - 18/19 June Overview metadata management All systems have to generate unique record identifiers For the vocabularies uniqueness is very important for reference to correct terms. No changes of codes allowed For CDI records the local id is the communication link between portal and local system. Ordering system works on this Local systems have to take this into account Management of record identifiers
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of European Directory of Marine Organisations EDMO
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of EDMO Editing via CMS forms Access for NODC‘s New records only to be created via MARIS (because EDMO = vocabulary) Available as webservice (export only) Maintenance
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of EDMO National collator Country Name Mandatory fields (all entered at creation) Vocabularies applied Countries
Oostende - 18/19 June Demo of EDMO
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of European Directory of Marine and Environmental Datasets (EDMED)
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of EDMED Supply of EDMED records via MIKADO only Currently work in progress on validation service for EDMED V1 records Upgrade V0 -> V1 procedure: Automated conversion where possible Identical fields copied one-on-one For new fields, or fields that can only manually be corrected: MARIS to create a Content Management system (CMS). EDMED V0 will be imported into this CMS. Partners to update their fields which fall into this category. EDMED V1.3 XML will be exported from the MARIS CMS and imported into the master schema at BODC. Partners will have the option of submitting replacement records in V1.3 in XML for BODC to ingest directly into Oracle. -> Via MIKADO Maintenance
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of EDMED edmed-identifier collate-centre (edmo ref) creation-date dataset-name dataset-id (given by the data centre) revision-date originator centre (edmo ref) summary data holding centre (edmo ref) sea-areas parameters availability language used within the dataset main theme of the dataset begin-year geographic coverage (bounding box nwes) Mandatory fields
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of EDMED EDMO L231 (SeaDataNet metadata entities) C16 (SeaDataNet Sea Areas) P021 (Parameters PDV) L05 (Devices) L081(Data Access Restriction Policies) Vocabularies used
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of European Directory of Marine and Environmental Research Projects (EDMERP)
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of EDMERP Editing via CMS forms Access for NODC‘s as master account NODC may create sub-accounts for other institutes in their country (EDMO) New records to be created directly in CMS by NODC Sub-accounts can edit/create new, but this will have to be checked by NODC before activating Available as webservice for XML V1 files (export and import) Maintenance
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of EDMERP edmerp-identifier (set by system) collate-centre (edmo ref) creation-date research project name research project acronym revision-date responsible party (edmo ref) summary sea-areas data-themes language used within the dataset main theme of the project Project start date Mandatory fields
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of EDMERP EDMO L231 (SeaDataNet metadata entities) C16 (SeaDataNet Sea Areas) P081 (Parameter disciplines) Vocabularies used
Oostende - 18/19 June Management of EDMERP 1.Check project list fo projects not coordinated by your country - Projects will have to be moved/deleted - name coordinator (look up EDMO code) - Send information to MARIS (as super-user of EDMERP) 2.Check project list for correct coordination organisation/coordinator - Move to other organisation/person if necessary - Create new person if needed 3.As last step you can create sub-accounts for organiasations that can manage their own collection of projects. - Send them login details - Give assistance - Validation by NODC of their input is needed before changes will be visible online. (editor-modus!) Procedure
Oostende - 18/19 June Demo of EDMERP Look at: Project SESAME (coordinator HCMR)
Oostende - 18/19 June Use of EDMO Demonstration and Practice (30 mins)
Oostende - 18/19 June Practice EDMO Webpage: Take the list of Institutes from your country that work in the marine sector, and that are not yet listed in EDMO Request new record to be added (MARIS) Add details to new records Alternative: Look up current collection, look up details of organisations via website and edit EDMO record Use of EDMO CMS
Oostende - 18/19 June Use of EDMERP Demonstration and Practice (app. 1 hr)
Oostende - 18/19 June Practice EDMERP Webpage CMS: Discovery: Exercise: Log in to CMS Create new (international) project coordinated by an organisation from your country Edit all fields as well as possible Add partner organisations (also from other countries!) IF needed: Request new EDMO record to be added (MARIS) Add details to new EDMO records Alternative: Look up current collection of projects Check if project really is coordinated by an institute from your country Look up other details for the project and add all partner organisations IF needed: Request new EDMO record to be added (MARIS) Add details to new EDMO records Use of EDMERP CMS