THE NAE SCREEN (And Other Relevant Things) “ N ame and A ddress Entry”
The NAE screen is a very important and sensitive screen in Colleague. It is the primary screen used to enter new Person records into the Database. Therefore, it is very important that a User be well- trained in the use of NAE before being given Update Access to it. That training is the Goal of this presentation
You begin with an entry box which looks like this: You may access the NAE screen by entering NAE on the main Colleague menu. You will see this same Person Lookup box with many Colleague screens. When you see it, you have a number of choices of Person lookup, some of which are described in detail by clicking the Help Button. Or, you may be taken to it from other screens.
1.Colleague ID: This implies that the person is already in the database. It is the most direct way of accessing a person. 2.SSN: Again, the person must already be in the database. Be aware that SSN’s can be wrong. 3.Last name, a comma, and the person’s first name: OR first letter of their first name OR first letter of their middle name. 4.First name, followed by the last name (no comma) Looking up People and Entering New People into Colleague
If you don’t really know the person’s full name, then you can put one of the names in and get search results. Then you can research those choices to see if you can find the one you are looking for. If you find some possibilities and want to open more than one, choose those by placing a checkmark in the box next to the name, or enter the number of the records in the box below such as: 1,3 or 1-3 If you get many possibilities, you can also export to Excel to provide an easier way to search those records.
Choices 3 and 4 are your only choices when entering a NEW person – one whose records do not yet exist in Colleague. Now, here begin the “cautions.” Caution #1 Avoid at all costs entering duplicate people into Colleague. There are hundreds of cases of persons existing in Colleague under two (or more) different ID’s – because someone was not careful to make certain that the persons’ records were not already in Colleague.
When entering a new person on the NAE screen, you can help avoid entering duplicate information as follows: 1.Enter Last Name, (comma), First OR Middle Initial This invokes the Partial Name Lookup Process in Colleague It makes no difference whether you includes spaces or periods after the initials. But it helps to try it with both the First Initial and the Middle Initial. 2. If you are uncertain of the spelling of a last name, invoke the Soundex feature by adding a “/” slash at the end of the name. For example: Potter/. This will find all people whose last name sounds remotely like “Potter” (Peter, Pedro, Poitier, etc) 3. Or, you may use #1 and #2 in combination; however, DO NOT spell out the first or middle name when using the /. Use ONLY the first initial of the First or Middle name. EX: Potter, C/ The Soundex feature also hunts for former names and maiden names Try all of these methods before you “give up” and add a new record
If there is no name in the database that sounds like the one you entered, you will receive a message box to that effect and you will be given the opportunity to add your person. But, if there are one or more similar names, you will be taken to a Resolution Screen as shown in the next slide. If one matches your entry, you simply choose the number of that record and enter it in the menu box at the bottom of the resolution screen and hit Enter But if none of them matches, enter the letter “A” in this same box to add the new record.
The Number of pages of names to look through To choose this one, enter the number 110 in here and hit the Enter key, or check mark the box & click the Enter key. Enter “A” here to add your entry if none match. A new record will be created
Address Lines Telephone & Phone Type SSN Gender (which may auto-populate) Click Here Prefix
Old Race Code New Ethnic Code Field and New Race Field* *Instructions on how to use these new fields are presented on the next slide Birth Date Additional Info Click Here to see new menu
How to use the new Ethnic/Race fields When you click on the Ethnic down-arrow you will see the following choices. If the person marks “ Hispanic/Latino ” on his/her application, choose the HIS code and move on to or whatever is next. You are finished with Ethnic/Race. But, if the person chooses anything other than Hispanic/Latino, enter the NHS code in this box and move to the Race Box where your choices are: And you choose as many of these race codes as apply and enter them in the Race box.
When entering a new person using the NAE screen, fill in as many of the “non-grayed-out” fields as you can (one exception to this) 1.Address – we will discussion this much more in the next few slides 2.Phone # & Type 7. Prefix (Mr. Mrs, Ms.) 3.Origin and Date 8. Address 4.Birth Date 9. SSN 5.Ethnic/Race* 10. Residency County & 6.Gender (may fill itself State (don’t add the if you enter the Prefix) Country here) * Race was previously discussed
When entering the person’s address, begin with the Address Line (street, box, apartment, etc) BUT – when entering the remainder of the address (city and state), first, enter the ZIP code for the address in the City field. Why? Every zip code belongs uniquely to a town or city. If the zip code is valid, Colleague will fill in the remainder of the information – city and state - and in some cases the county code (if we’ve told it the county code). Therefore, Always enter the Zip code in the city field
If you enter a Zip Code that Colleague does not know, it will move that code to the Zip Code field, and will wait for you to tell it what city and state to associate with that new Zip. It’s designed to work this way. But, if you start by entering a city and state, followed by the wrong Zip Code, Colleague assumes you are entering a new Zip Code, and it adds it, and associates the city you entered with that Zip, even if that Zip Code already belongs to another city. This is how the errors occur. So, please be very careful.
Frequently, when you “save out” of an NAE screen, you will be taken to an Address Resolution screen (ADR), similar to the one shown in the next slide. This occurs because you have entered an address that already exists in Colleague – or that Colleague thinks is an existing address. This brings us to the second caution: Caution #2 Avoid at all costs entering duplicate address into Colleague. Address Resolution Screen - ADR
What’s wrong with this picture? NOTE Address Resolution Screen
The answer is – there should be only one incidence of “Building 80” at Camp Shelby in Colleague. But in fact, as you can see from the bottom of the previous screen, there are 7 pages of this same address. How did this happen? It happened because we were not properly trained to use this part of Colleague. There were tens-of-thousands of duplicate addresses! Had we been properly trained, we would have been told that, when we enter an address, and a resolution screen appears with that same address, we should CHOOSE that address and not just hit Enter. Hitting Enter adds another copy of the same address.
Time for a Demonstration Going to the Address Resolution Screen – ADR What causes instances of multiple addresses? a. More than one person living at the same address b. Correcting an address c. Former addresses What happens in the Colleague screen in real life.
There should be one incidence of an address in the database, and everyone having that address (or ever having had that address) should be associated with the one incidence of that address. Duplicate addresses cause major problems for certain departments. If you follow the previous instructions, you will not contribute to the problem by accidentally creating duplicates. NOTE: Different apartments at the same street address are different addresses. The way Colleague is designed to work:
If you encounter a previously-existing person, but your information shows a different address, be aware that only Admissions & Records may change a student’s address and that only Human Resources may change an employee’s address. Also be aware that a person may have any number of addresses in Colleague – some former, some current, etc. But everyone may have only one Preferred Address. This address is the one that appears first on the NAE Screen. Also be aware that when students move, leaving no forwarding address and their Hinds mail is returned, their last known address is made “Former” and they will have no Preferred Address. Their records should not be updated. They must contact Admissions.
Three kinds of Fields within Colleague screens: 1. Prohibited – these fields are “yellowed out.” Data cannot be entered directly into these fields. 2. Free-entry – any kind of information may be entered into this kind of field (no editing done) 3. Restricted-entry – your choices of entry are pre- determined. This type of field is further divided into two other types:a. Val-code fields b. Code-file fields These last two differ in how you determine what may be entered. Let’s look at the NAE screen again.
Multiple Value Code Fields – Click the Down Arrow to see the legal choices for this field
However, if you know that a field has only certain legal choices, but does not have a drop-down arrow, enter an elipse, and you will get a listing of those choices.
If a field has a lookup icon to the right and a numbered box to the left of a field, then: 1. Click on the lookup icon to the right of the field to be taken to the PCIN screen An elipse can also be used here in the field to search. If you right click on the field, a windows will come up to Delete the Operation.
Prohibited These fields are protected and cannot be changed.
Free Form
Fields on Colleague screens may lead to other screens or even menus of screens. Colleague calls this process “Detailing.” These fields are identified by the strangely shaped button to the fields’ right. You may reach the “screen-behind-the-field” by either of two means: 1.Click on the strangely-shaped button 2.With the cursor in the field, press the F2 key As an exercise, click on the strangely-shaped button to the right of the Address field on the NAE screen (“detail”). Where does it take you? Finally, “Detail” on the Name field. What do you see?
Number of addresses What happens if you “Detail” here? Address Status Others associated with this address Address Type -Campus/Off -Mailing -Permanent
ADR Screen (ADDRESS) NOTE: Status Address Type Country (Add Here) Phone & Type & Type
Many Colleague fields are “multi-valued,” meaning that they may have more than one value at the same time. They are identifiable by the small up and down “buttons” to the right of the field and the numbered buttons to the left of the field. In some cases the value that shows is the “Current Value”, while the other values are previous values In other cases, all values are “current” values. To see values other than the “current value,” you may either: 1) click the small up and down arrows or 2) you may put the cursor in the field and use the Page-Up and Page-Down keys.
Multi-valued Fields Numbered Buttons
Other Colleague features: 1. When you enter dates, you may use the calendar icon located to the right of every date field OR you may enter the date directly. The best way is MMDDYY – no slashes. (e.g ) Colleague edits the date and adds the slashes for you. 2. Colleague automatically capitalizes the first letter of each word and makes the other letters small, regardless of what you type. If you want to capitalize a letter in the middle of a word (e.g. LaToya), you must put an equal sign at the start of the word. (e.g. =LaToya). Colleague removes the equal sign and enters exactly what you type.
How to remove information entered wrong? You have 2 choices: 1. In some fields you may simply move the cursor to the start of the field and type over the old entry. 2. Sometimes, you can use the Delete key.
Saving and Cancelling out of a Screen Saving out: 1. F9 key or Ctrl+0 saves the current form. 2. Shift+F9 saves all open forms. 3. Ctrl+F9 finishes from current form. Canceling out: 1. F8 cancels from current form. 2. Shift+F8 cancels from all forms. And there are Icons on the Menu to duplicate these same functions as shown on the next slide.
Ctrl + F9 Finish from current form F9 or Ctrl+0 Save current form Shift + F9 Save all open forms Shift + F8 Cancel from all forms F8 Cancel from current form
It is very important that you “save out” of any screen into which you have just entered new information. Failure to do so usually causes your information to be lost. If you have “detailed” down several screens and entered information, generally you should save back at least to the screen where you started. It’s always safe to save all the way back to the Main Menu.
When you are several screens “deep” in the detailing process, you can click on the tabs of the previous screens to bring up them up to read information on them, but you cannot update them.
When you save out of this new screen with Shift + F9, it saves all of your work and returns you to the original screen’s look-up box. But if you save out of this new screen with F9, it saves your work on the new screen but leaves you at the look- up box for the new screen mnemonic rather than at the original screen. Demo needed? Questions?