Tables - Bands
Tables - Venues
Tables - Lighting
Tables - Sound
Tables - Bookings Lookup from table BANDS Lookup from table VENUES Lookup from table LIGHTING Lookup from table SOUND
Tables – Ticket Entry Lookup for BookingNumber SELECT [Bookings].[Booking Number], [Bookings].[Booking Date], [Bookings].[Band], [Bookings].[Venue] FROM Bookings; Use the lookup wizard to select the fields above and make sure you are not hiding the first column
Forms Create a basic form for each table and included a Add record button at the bottom of each as shown. Add Booking button created using the wizard and selecting RECORD OPERATION / ADD NEW RECORDS
Forms – Main Main menu form Buttons to open forms – Created using the wizard and FORM OPERATIONS Button to run a report “Balance Sheet” – Created in the wizard using REPORT OPERATIONS
Queries - Expenditure The following screenshots are all from the same query Tables used:
Queries - Expenditure The following screenshots are all from the same query Query Part 1
Queries - Expenditure The following screenshots are all from the same query Query Part 2
Queries - Expenditure The following screenshots are all from the same query Query Part 3
Queries - Expenditure The following screenshots are all from the same query Query Part 4
Reports – Balance Sheet Use the report wizard to produce a basic outline then amend it as follows