Tanya’s Reunion Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys Created by Mike Brewer 2008
See if you can correctly identify the following vocabulary words.
If necessary, use the context clues from the sample sentences to help you.
arrangementsarrangements Sample Sentence: Tina made arrangements for her dog to stay with friends.
arrangementsarrangements Definition:Definition: n. plans made beforehand; preparations
gatheringgathering Sample Sentence: The students were gathering on the playground.
gatheringgathering Definition:Definition: n. a meeting or crowd of people; a coming together of people.
homesteadhomestead Sample Sentence: The pioneers homestead was deep in the Mohave Valley.
homesteadhomestead Definition:Definition: n. a house, especially a farmhouse, with its dependent buildings and land.
persistedpersisted Sample Sentence: The group persisted to search for their missing cat.
persistedpersisted Definition:Definition: verb. Continued repeatedly
reunionreunion Sample Sentence: The highschool reunion was held at the Paris Hotel.
reunionreunion Definition:Definition: n. the coming together again of things or people that have been divided
satisfactionsatisfaction Sample Sentence: The satisfaction showed on the teachers face as the little boy began to read.
satisfactionsatisfaction Definition:Definition: n. The feeling of pleasure that comes when a need or desire is fulfilled
announcementannouncement Sample Sentence: The wedding announcement was read to all in attendance.
announcementannouncement Definition:Definition: n. a formal written notice, often a card or newspaper item
reassuredreassured Sample Sentence: The waiting families were reassured by the police after the accident.
reassuredreassured Definition:Definition: adj. made less fearful or worried
fadedfaded Sample Sentence: The jeans looked faded from the repeated washes.
fadedfaded Definition:Definition: v. worn out or pale
aromaaroma Sample Sentence: The aroma coming from my grandmothers kitchen made my mouth water.
aromaaroma Definition:Definition: n. a smell especially a pleasant smell
murmurmurmur Sample Sentence: There was a murmur coming from the group of people.
murmurmurmur Definition:Definition: n. Something said that is either very quiet or sounds indistinct
tilledtilled Sample Sentence: The farmer tilled the land before he could plant the crops.
tilledtilled Definition:Definition: v. to prepare the land for growing crops
tapertaper Sample Sentence: The storm is beginning to taper off now.
tapertaper Definition:Definition: v. to become or make something smaller in size or amount
consentconsent Sample Sentence: The students needed to return the consent forms in order to go on the trip.
consentconsent Definition:Definition: v. to give permission or approval for something to happen