MALog Mathematical and Applied Logic Kirsi-Maria Rinneheimo, Hanna Kinnari-Korpela Tampere University of Applied Sciences
How the MALog was born? At the first time, the idea for mathematical logic project came from Nokia corporation in the 90’s. R&D opportunities in polytechnics were narrow The idea of the project “was born again” during 2006 in the discussions with industry representatives, mathematics teachers and applied engineering teachers The need for mathematical logic education became clear Funding opportunities started to look for During the year 2007 TAMK conducted a survey on engineering students’ mathematical logic skills Survey exposed the difficulty of problem solving activities Mathematical logic should taught more extensively
Funding MALog project is funded by EU LLP 2009 (EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme) Duration: 12/ /2012 Budget Stuff € Travel & subsistence € Equipment 4950 € Subcontracting € Other € sub-total direct costs € Sub-total indirect costs € Total cost €
Main idea To collect real life problems from companies according to needs analysis to be the source of 60 learning materials (LMs). All the ready LMs will be stored in MALog material bank. To develope an ontology of mathematical logic LM units will be built on this foundation To improve suitability of LMs for an individual learner MALog takes into account individual aspects of a learner MALog recommends to a learner an IALP (Individual Adaptive Learning Path) MALog provides the most appropriate LMs to each learner To organize pilot courses to test produced materials and finalize materials according to feedback All the materials will be produced in English and translated into Finnish, French, German and Romanian
Project partners UNIVERSITY PARTNERS Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere, Finland (coordinator) Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom HIGH SCHOOL PARTNERS Hervanta upper-secondary school, Tampere, Finland George Cosbuc National Bilingual High School, Bucharest, Romania Associated Company partners
Roles of partners University partners Will participate in all activities of the project High school partners Are not participating in the production of LMs but they have involved with in the planning and will involve with in the testing and evaluation phase TAMK carries the main responsibility of the project management as a coordinator UWAR developes an ontology of mathematical logic
What has been done? Needs analysis in all partner institutions Needs analysis in partner companies (2 partners / univ. partner) Collection of real life problems Ontology of mathematical logic (will be updated) Content directory for LMs according to needs analysis LM planning phase 30 plans from each university partner based on needs analysis Workshop in Bucharest Romania 11/2010 LM implementation phase -> 12/2011
Next project phases LM implementation phase -> 12/2011 Translations of LMs -> 12/2011 and 06/2012 Testing and development phase 11/2011-> pilot courses Dissemination 2012
Further information