By: Alexis Phaniphon Nov.21, th grade Mrs.T.Johnson The Chippewa Indians of the Mid-west and Canada
Location The Chippewa Indians were located in the Middle West. They were mostly in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Canada. The Chippewa Indians lived on the southern shore of Lake Superior in the eastern upper peninsula and also lived around the Great Lakes like the Ottawa. The climate in the middle west was really hot in the summer and really cold in the winter!
Homes Their were many types of the Chippewa Indians. There were the Woodland Chippewa and the Great Plain Chippewa. The Woodland Chippewa made their houses out of birch bark and animal skins. They called them waginogans or wigwams. The Plains Chippewa Indians made their houses out of buffalo hide and were called tepees.
Clothing The Chippewa Indians wore breechcloths, moccasins, and beaded shirts. On their clothes, they had lots of accessories like beads and feathers. They got their clothes from animal skins by hunting the animals like buffalo and deer.
Recreation and Play The kids of the Chippewa Indian tribe had lots of things to do. The kids of the Chippewa tribe went to school and helped around the house. The boys of the of the Chippewa tribe hunted and played games similar to lacrosse.
Food The Woodland Chippewa Indians ate wild rice, corn, nuts, fruits, fish, and buffalo. To find their food they gathered it, hunted, and fished. The Indians found their foods near rivers or in forests near their villages.