Unit 5 – Topic 6 “Above the Atmosphere and Under Control” Apollo 11 liftoff - 9:32 a.m. EDT Wednesday, 16 July 1969
this is a tube that contains combustible material at one end. Rocket
this is the device or the material that a rocket carries. Payload
This is the speed at which the exhaust material leaves the rocket. Exhaust velocity Check this out!
This is the type of rocket in which part drops off as the fuel in it runs out. Staged Check this out!
This is the German scientist who experimented with liquid fuels in WWII. Werner von Braun Check this out!
This is a bomb that is powered by a rocket engine. Ballistic Missile
This is the Russian word for “astronaut”. Cosmonaut YURI GAGARIN – 1 st man in Space
This is when the 1 st computers were invented. During World war II Check this out!
This is a method to accelerate a spacecraft using a slingshot effect while going around a planet. Gravitational Assist
Today, large telescopes use these instead of photographic plates to record images from space. Charge couple devices (CCDs)
This is a device made by humans that is put into orbit around the Earth. Artificial satellite
In this type of orbit, a satellite will move in the same direction and the same speed as the Earth’s daily rotation. Geosynchronous Orbit
In this type of orbit, a satellite will be about km above the Earth’s surface and a complete rotation is about 1.5 hours. Low Earth Orbit
this is a series of satellites designed to look down at the Earth. LANDSAT Check this out!
This is the science of taking measurements of earth from space. Remote Sensing
This is a device which will help you tell where you are on earth by using satellite technology. GPS
This is the name of the fleet of GPS satellites that orbit the earth. NAVSTAR
The explorers that located this sunken ship used GPS technology. Titanic
The main difference between the Space Shuttle and other rockets is…. The Space Shuttle is reusable.