Astronomy Campus Assessment 1 Which list correctly states tools that scientists use to study the universe? A. Microscope, telescope, and anemometer.


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Presentation transcript:

Astronomy Campus Assessment

1 Which list correctly states tools that scientists use to study the universe? A. Microscope, telescope, and anemometer. B. Telescope, spectroscope, and satellites. C. Psychrometers, spectroscopes, and thermometers. D. Telescopes, thermometers, and test tubes.

2 Which of the following is NOT true in regards to describing galaxies? A. Galaxies are large groups of stars, dust, and gas held together by friction. B. They are have large masses, and can hold billions of stars. C. Galaxies can collide together, helping to create new stars in the process. D. Our galaxy, The Milky Way Galaxy, is one of billions of other galaxies located in the universe

3 Which data table best classifies the galaxies shown in the diagrams?

4 One component of the universe consists of a large amount of gas and dust that can reflect light, absorb light, or emit light. When gravity pulls some of the gas and dust together, they form a protostar. What is this component of the universe called A.A supernova B.A neutron star C.A nebula D.A black hole

5 What elements have been determine to form in all stars? A. helium and carbon B. hydrogen and iron C. calcium and other metals D. hydrogen and helium

6 Which of the following best describes the relative size of the Sun compared to other types of stars in the universe? A. The smallest star in our galaxy B. The largest star in our galaxy C. Among the group of largest stars D. Medium-sized compared to all star

7 The Sun is a star in the Milky Way galaxy. Which location above best represents the location of the Sun? A. Location W B. Location X C. Location Y D. Location Z

8 Which letter correctly represents the location of the Sun on the HR Diagram A. a B. b C. c D. d

9 Which table correctly describes the following stars according to the HR diagram?

10 What is the general relationship between the surface temperature and brightness of a Main Sequence star? A. As the temperature increases, the brightness decreases. B. As the temperature increases, the brightness increases. C. As the temperature increases, the brightness remains the same. D. As the temperature remains the same, the brightness increases.

11 The Small Magellanic Cloud is an irregular galaxy that is smaller than our Milky Way galaxy. The size of the Small Magellanic Cloud is 7500 light-years across. Based on the scale of 1cm = 1000 light-years, which model correctly represents the size of the Small Magellanic Cloud?

12 Tau Ceti is a star in the constellation Cetus. The distance between Tau Ceti and our sun is 11.9 light-years. About how long does it take for light from Tau Ceti to reach Earth? A.11.9 years B.11.9 x 9.5 trillion years C.11.9 seconds D.11.9 x 9.5 trillion seconds

13 Which of the following best explains the part of the wave represented by λ (lambda)? A. λ represents how tall the wave is, therefore they all have the same energy B. λ represents the distance between two wave peaks, therefore wave 3 has the most energy C. λ represents the distance between the top of a wave and the middle of a wave, therefore they all have the same energy D. λ represents the distance between two wave peaks, therefore wave 2 has the most energy

14 In the electromagnetic spectrum, there are many different types of waves, including radio waves. Each of the waves are composed of a different frequency based on wavelength. Which of the following explains a way in which the lowest frequency light wave can be used by scientists to learn about objects in space? A.Scientists can determine the temperature of distant objects in space. B.Scientists can determine the distance objects in space are from the Earth. C.Scientists can determine the elements that stars are composed of. D.Scientists can determine the relative movement of objects in space.

15 Looking at the star spectrum above, which conclusion about the composition of the star is the most accurate? A. The star is composed of Li, H, He, and Na which means that the star is older than our star, the sun. B. The star is only composed of Hydrogen so it would be much younger than our star, the sun. C. The star is composed of H, He, and Lithium meaning it is a fairly young star that is starting to fuse heavier elements D. The star is composed only of H and He meaning it is relatively young and most likely part of the Main sequence like our sun.

16 The sun is the only star in our solar system, but one of many in our galaxy. The other stars seem much smaller and dimmer, than the sun. Why is this? A. The other stars have a smaller diameter than the sun. B. The sun is the largest and brightest star in the Milky Way galaxy. C. The sun is many times closer to Earth than any other star. D. The sun will one day become a supergiant.

17 Scientists measure the movement of distant galaxies to learn more about the origin of the universe. You researched scientific data that showed that light from a distant galaxy is red-shifted. How would you evaluate the data? A. It indicates that the expansion of the universe has stopped, and so it does not support the Big Bang theory. B. It indicates that the galaxy is moving away from Earth, and so it supports the Big Bang theory. C. It indicates that the galaxy is moving toward Earth, and so it supports the Big Bang theory. D. It indicates that the universe is contracting, and so it does not support the Big Bang theory

18 Scientists believe that the further the galaxies are from Earth, the faster they are moving away from Earth. What scientific data is used as evidence to support this theory? A. blue shifting of light emitted from the galaxies B. red shifting of light emitted from the galaxies C. the abundance of light elements in the universe D. the uniformity of cosmic microwave background radiation in the universe