Sydney Cox Mrs. Thomas 3 rd Grade
Native Americans
A Native American is any member of the peoples living in North or South America before the Europeans arrived.
Native Americans are grouped into tribes. Members of a tribe share the same land, culture, language, religion, and customs. Tribes are also grouped into regions or culture groups.
Northwest Coast / Far west Northwest Coast / Far west Plains Eastern Woodlands Southwest
This region is along the Pacific Coast. Moderate temperatures (no extreme temperatures) Thick forests
Tribes Nez Perce Shoshone Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce
Native Americans in the Northwest Coast lived in longhouses. Those who traveled, also lived in teepees.
The Pacific Ocean offers the Native Americans plenty of fish. They trapped salmon in the rivers and hunted large sea animals, like whales, in the ocean.
The Native Americans were great wood carvers. They carved totem poles to place outside of their houses. Totem poles were used to tell the family’s history.
After the Native Americans adopted some European techniques, they began to make clothing out of wood pulp and cotton.
A common custom for Native Americans in this region is to hold a potlatch. The host would give gifts to their guests. Those who had the most possessions to give was seen as the wealthiest and the most powerful
This region is between the Rocky Mountains & the Mississippi River. The land is flat and grassy with few trees. Hot Summers Cold Winters
Tribes Lakota Cheyenne Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill Morning Star
Native Americans in the Plains region live in tipis. Tipis allow the Native Americans to travel and follow the buffalo.
Native Americans in the Plains region hunt buffalo. They follow the buffalo herds as they travel across the plains.
Headdresses were worn by honored men. Headdresses vary from tribe to tribe. They are earned by brave deeds.
Native Americans in the Plains region wore animal skins and moccasins.
Not all the tribes in the Plains region spoke the same language. They developed a sign language to communicate with each other.
The Southwest region includes Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Colorado and Mexico. Desert Extremely Dry
Tribes Apache Navajo Geronimo Manuelito
Native Americans in the Southwest region lived in pueblos of adobe buildings. Adobe is the mixture of sand, clay, and water. This is mixed with sticks and straw to make the walls. Some tribes such as the Navajo, lived in hogans. Pueblos Hogans
Native Americans in the Southwest region hunted buffalo and grew maize, beans, squash, and pumpkins.
Native Americans in the Southwest are known for their woven blankets, pottery, and turquoise jewelry.
Native Americans in the Southwest, like the Navajo, became cotton farmers and sheep herders. They got wool from the sheep for their clothes. They also used deerskin.
Some Native American tribes in the Southwest believed in Kachinas, spirits of their ancestors who have come back with the clouds and the rain. The Southwest region is also believed to be the most highly developed.
The Eastern Woodlands region is located between the Mississippi River and the Atlantic Coast. It also includes the Great Lakes. This region had a moderate climate. Lots of trees.
Tribes Iroquois Cherokee Sequoyah
Native Americans in the Eastern Woodlands region live in wigwams and longhouses.
Native Americans in the Eastern Woodlands region hunt deer and grow crops such as maize, squash, and beans.
Native Americans in the Eastern Woodlands created many types of baskets to store their many goods.
Native Americans in the Eastern Woodlands region wore deer pelts and buckskins. Pelts are animal skins that still haves the fur on it. Buckskins are animal skins without fur. Women also wore grass dresses.
The Cherokee had a written language, that was developed by Sequoyah.