The Effects of Viewing English Cartoon Videos with and without English Subtitle on Fifth Graders’ Listening Ability in Taiwan Presenter: Shiao-Ling Tsai Advisor: Dr. Hsiao-Tung Hsu June 1, 2009
2 Contents Introduction Purposes of the Study II. I. Research Questions III. Literature Review IV. Methodology V.
3 anxiety acquisition Affective Filter Hypothesis (Krashen, 1982) Introduction
4 With the provision of concrete visual or manipulate representation, students’ recall of a story events were apparently improved. (Marley, Levin, & Glenberg, 2007)
5 Purposes of the Study to ascertain the effects of viewing English cartoons with English subtitle and without English subtitle on fifth graders’ listening ability in Taiwan to ascertain the effects of viewing English cartoons with English subtitle and without English subtitle on fifth graders’ listening ability in Taiwan to examine the participants’ attitude toward learning English through viewing English cartoons to examine the participants’ attitude toward learning English through viewing English cartoons
6 Which group of students improve greater after they learned English through viewing English cartoons? Which group of students improve greater after they learned English through viewing English cartoons? 1 Research Questions What is children’s attitude toward learning English through viewing English cartoons? What is children’s attitude toward learning English through viewing English cartoons? 2
Children’s Language Learning with Audio-Visual Technology Identifying Listening Problems Listening Strategy Listening with Audio-Visual Aids Literature Review
8 Identifying Listening Problems ▪ speed of delivery ▪ vocabulary ▪ intonation ▪ background knowledge ▪ personal factors (Goh, 2000 ; Graham, 2006)
9 Literature Review Listening Strategy Bottom-Up Processing Top-Down Processing Cognitive Tactics Metacognitive Tactics
10 Seeing the moving face of the talker permits better detection of speech. Audio-visual facilitation effect was abolished while shifting the auditory component. (Davis & Kim, 2004) Literature Review Listening with Audio-Visual Aids
11 81 % of the students thought that viewing videos had been helpful to their listening comprehension than listening to text alone. (Wilberschied & Berman, 2004) Literature Review Children’s Language Learning with Audio-Visual Technology Children’s Language Learning with Audio-Visual Technology
12 Methodology Participants Material Duration Location 30 elementary students: 3- through 6-grade Meeting the Robinsons One month Huang-Ju Elementary School in Taichung
13 Procedure 15 students Experiment Group 15 students Control Group 15 minutes watching English cartoon video with English subtitle watching English cartoon video without English subtitle 15 minutes 10 minutes Introducing vocabulary & sentence pattern Post-test Pre-test Introducing vocabulary & sentence pattern
14 I hope he gets adopted. You and me both, chief. I mean, there's so many things in the world that can be improved. Just think of it. Moving sidewalks, flying cars. The possibilities are endless. Flying cars? Yeah, that's a good one. All it takes is some imagination and a little science, and we can make the world a better place. Well, these are all interesting ideas. So, what's your favorite sport? Well, does inventing count as a sport? - Actually... ……………………………………………….. English Subtitle
15 Lesson Plan Sentence Pattern These/Those are my __N.__ 這些 / 那些 是我的 __N.__ Vocabulary robot 機器人, clothes 衣服, toy train 玩具火車, glasses 眼鏡, model 模型 Warm UpHave a short conversation about their lunch time. Activity I Viewing of the video (15 minutes) Activity IITeach students vocabulary and sentence pattern. Warp Up Have some students answer questions about today’s lesson. e.g. Q: 這些是我的眼鏡 A: These are my glasses. Q: 那些是我的模型 A: Those are my models. Lesson Plan
16 Instrument International Learning, Teaching and Evaluation Agency (ILTEA) International Learning, Teaching and Evaluation Agency (ILTEA) It conforms with the Common European Framework Range (CEFR). Pre-test & Post-test
17 Instrument 20 Questions Test time: 20 minutes Pre-test & Post-test Paired ─ Sample T Test
18 Instrument
19 Interview Semi-structured Interview Time: 30 minutes per student Recording
20 8. 當你在看英語卡通影片時, 是否有專心聆聽英語對話 ? 9. 當你在看英語卡通影片時, 聽到英語對話時, 有沒有 10. 當你在看英語卡通影片時, 會不會去猜聽不懂意思的 11. 當你在看英語卡通影片時, 是否只注意畫面好看 而不去聽英語對話 ? 字幕是否影響你理解卡通內容 ? 部份 ? Interview
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