If..., then...
1)protasis – subordinate clause introduced by si (if) or nisi (if…not, unless) 2)apodosis – main/independent clause If Latin scholars do not study conditional sentences, Ms. Genung will be distraught.
Simple Fact Present: Si Catilina rem publicam delēre cupit, civis improbissimus est. Simple Fact Past: Simple Fact Future/ Future More Vivid: If Catiline wants to destroy the republic (and he probably does), he is a very wicked citizen.
Simple Fact Present: Simple Fact Past: Si Catilina rem publicam delēre cupivit, civis improbissimus fuit. Simple Fact Future/ Future More Vivid: If Catiline wanted to destroy the republic (and he probably did), he was a very wicked citizen.
Simple Fact Present: Simple Fact Past: Simple Fact Future/ Future More Vivid: Si Catilina rem publicam delēre cupiet, civis improbissimus erit. If Catiline wants (will want) to destroy the republic (and he probably will), he will be a very wicked citizen.
Simple Fact Present: Simple Fact Past: Simple Fact Future/ Future More Vivid: is/are... is/are pres. ind. was/did... was/did past tense (imp. or perf.) is/are... will fut. tense
Contrary-to-fact Present: Si Catilina Ciceronem laudaret, prudens esset. Contrary-to-fact Past: Future Less Vivid: If Catiline were praising Cicero (but he’s not), he would be wise (but he’s not).
Contrary-to-fact Present: Contrary-to-fact Past: Si Catilina Ciceronem laudavisset, prudens fuisset. Future Less Vivid: If Catiline had praised Cicero (but he did not), he would have been wise (but he was not).
Contrary-to-fact Present: Contrary-to-fact Past: Future Less Vivid: Si Catilina Ciceronem laudet, prudens sit. If Catiline should praise Cicero (and he may, or he may not), he would be wise.
Contrary-to-fact Present: Contrary-to-fact Past: Future Less Vivid: were (-ing)… would (be) imperfect subjunctive had … would have pluperfect subjunctive should … would present subjunctive
Sī custodiae meae ad casam tuam properabunt, Catilina, mihi dē tuīs factīs nefariīs dicent.
Sī custodiae meae ad casam tuam properabunt, Catilina, mihi dē factīs nefariīs dicent. If my guards hurry to your house (& they will), Catiline, they will tell me about your wicked deeds.
Si quis te defendere ausus esset, ille punitus esset.
If anyone had dared to defend you, he would have been punished.
Conditions with Indicative Mood Conditions with Subjunctive Mood