Prospect for an high energy factory at LNF P. Raimondi LNF Apr-10,2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Prospect for an high energy factory at LNF P. Raimondi LNF Apr-10,2008

The LNF has been studying an higher energy factory since several years. We have developed several schemes: Adiabatic upgrade of Dafne by replacng the main dipoles. This is the cheapest solution but allows just for a maximum energy of about 2.2GeV/CM. In addition the “on energy injection” cannot be easily implemented. The peak and integrated luminosity are strongly affected by the need of ramping the Main Rings

It is definitely more efficient to design a new machine altogheter. The LNF has been working on this design for quite a while. “DANAE” is an adjustable energy factory with a maximum energy around 3GeV/CM. This machine has been constrained to fit in the Dafne hall, this limits henceforth its maximum energy and ultimate luminosity performances.

- The INFN in collaboration with SLAC, KEK, ORSAY has been also working on a SuperB factory machine. - Its main parameters are: e- energy 7GeV e+ energy 4GeV Luminosity 2e36 Ring circumference 1.6Km Wall plug power 30MW The design is based on large Piwinsky angle and very small beams at the IP

I have been asked by the workshop committee to see if the SuperB design and concepts could be scaled to a lower energy machine, this can be done considering that: The ultimate luminosity scales down linearly with energy and has to be scaled from the low- energy ring The ring circumference sclaes down more than linearly with energy and has to be scaled from the high energy ring The Wall plug power has two contributions: one slales down lineraly with the CM energy and the second scales rougly with the ring circumference

A rescaling of the SuperB design to a lower energy gives rougly the following parameters: e- energy 2GeV e+ energy 2GeV Luminosity 1e36 Ring circumference 260m Wall plug power 12MW The machine has to be designed to operate at lower energies, at least a factor 2, with a linear scaling of its luminosity

Such machine does not fit in the Adone hall. In order to reuse the present infrastructures and injection complex, it can be build just behind Adone and use the present KLOE pit as collider hall. The injection complex has to be upgraded also, for example by boosting the beam energy after the dafne accumulator with a 1.5GeV S-band or L-band Linac before injecting into the main rings

SuperB Lattice

SuperB half Final Focus

High Energy factory lattice

High Energy half Final focus

Provided that we convince ourselves that the Large Piwinsky Angle is suitable for high luminosity, it seems possible to build a relatively cheap ( ME) high energy machine in the LNF,although we believe that the ultimate machine would be the SuperB that however has to be hosted in the TorVergata University Campus Conclusions