Practice Paper 1 Feedback
Logistics With 30 more minutes many of you will be able to fully develop your points. Shoot for a minimum of 4 pages. With two hours, I would like to see more like 5 pages. Consider whether you’d prefer to skip lines to make it easier for you to go back and make corrections.
Advice & Reminders The author and the narrator are not identical The poet and the speaker are not identical Poems have speakers, prose passages have narrators Imagery vs. image(s) You need to discuss structure regardless of which piece you choose Don’t just restate the text rather than analyzing/interpreting
Advice Continued Don’t focus on minute details to the extent that you fail to give a holistic interpretation of the poem/passage Leave time to proofread carefully Use your literary terms “Shift” is not a technique. A shift IN…mood, tone, perspective…etc.
Dominant Effect Do not list techniques in D.E. What is the primary intellectual effect (the big idea)? What is the primary emotional effect on the reader (you)? Combine those two into one sentence to create your Dominant Effect (thesis)
Extended Metaphor vs. Symbol Extended metaphor: Direct comparison between two unlike things that continues through an entire paragraph or stanza of a poem (or more) Symbol: object that represents something greater than itself, usually an abstract quality like liberty, justice, etc. Not a direct comparison
Tone vs. Mood?
Can you find….? POEM Simile Conditional or subjunctive tense Rhyme scheme Stanza Sestet Enjambment PROSE personification narrator repetition Simple sentence Complex sentence Dialogue setting
Reflection & Goal Setting What went well? What do you want to do differently next time?