+ Arts & Humanities Program Review
+ Program Review: PD Opportunities 2.E. Teacher in the school receive pd opportunities to enhance the integration of the arts & humanities core content. We are currently scoring a “Needs Improvement.” With today’s information & documentation, we will move up to “Proficient/Meets Expectations.” We (A&H) needs your help…
+ BEST WAY TO DO IT! Embed into your Plans Add a piece of artwork to the beginning of a unit Westward Expansion “American Progress” by John Gash Social Studies
+ Mention A&H Careers that Contribute to YOUR area of study Science Medical Illustrator Fine artist
+ Mathematics Several prints by M.C. Escher are the result of his attempts to visually express such mathematical concepts as infinity, duality, dimension, recursion, topological morphing, and self- similarity. Artists making connections
+ Perhaps the most striking examples of art illuminating mathematics are provided by the paintings of Crockett Johnson and the sculptures of Helaman Ferguson. From 1965 to 1975, Johnson produced over 100 abstract oil paintings, each a representation of a mathematical theorem.
+ English Connections to Drama & Art Class discussion of which painting best represents their thoughts of Ophelia’s death
+ What About Dance? LIT – what was going on in the world when a book was written? Music & dances being performed. S.S.- looking at decades (music, Broadway performances, popular dances, music, along with the politics); Dances & music from various cultures. ECON- looking at music, choreographers, videos, etc. Health- discussion of the benefits of dance. How various dance forms can elevate your heart rate (FITT?) Foreign Language- dance and music apart of the culture.
+ What Can I Do with Music? The Rock of Roll Hall of Fame Museum in Cleveland, OH has a fantastic section on lesson plans. Vietnam War: A Popular Music Approach, Empathy & the Vietnam War. The Outsiders Poetry Connection through the Blues and Langston Hughes Rock & Poetry Connection Poetry of Jim Morrison Civil Rights “The American Dream” Rock n’ Roll & Social Protest Pink Floyd and Carpe Diem Theme Economics & Rock N’ Roll The Melting of the Cold War Parody with Lyrics Character Analysis in a play Comparing a conservative and modern representation of a play. Over 196 lesson plans! FREE
+ A Little More Challenging? Have Arts & Humanities posters in your classroom & have the students working on a project, presentation, they must incorporate the terminology. WE WILL MAKE COPIES FOR YOU! I WILL be more than willing to help scoring these area’s if you are uncomfortable doing so. IDEAS>>>>> Critiquing a painting that interprets the theme of the unit in their opinion. Analyzing their sketches of a cell/organism etc. Creating an original song, poem for the unit of study. Explaining how the lyrics represent the subject being covered.
LINE - A mark with length and direction. Lines can vary in length, width, direction, curvature and color. Lines can be 2-D (a pencil line on paper), 3-D (a line made from wire) or implied. Elements of Art Richard Sester Clay County Middle School Visual Art
SPACE can also be divided into foreground, middleground and background. FOREGROUND U sually at the bottom of the artwork. Objects are very close, have fine details and true, local color. MIDDLEGROUND T hrough the middle of the artwork. Objects appear to be smaller, less detailed and farther away. Color tends to fade or dull. BACKGROUND U sually at the top of the artwork. This is the least detailed part of the artwork. Objects appear to be the farthest away. Colors dull or change completely due to atmospheric color (aerial perspective). Elements of Art Richard Sester Clay County Middle School Visual Art
Principles of Design Proportion - The relationship between the objects in an artwork. Proportions can be realistic and correctly scaled.... or, they can be exaggerated, distorted and not the correct scale. Richard Sester Clay County Middle School Visual Art