Circulatory System
Human Transport The circulatory system picks up materials and distributes the materials throughout an organism. Most circulatory systems (multicellular organisms) consist of a heart, blood and blood vessels.
Multicellular vs. Unicellular A) Unicellular Organisms- Do not have a circulatory system. Ex: Amebas, Parameciums, sponges. These organisms use the process of DIFFUSION to achieve transport
Multicellular Organisms These organisms have a circulatory system. Ex: Humans, Earthworms, Insects There are two types: Open Circulatory System: Blood does not flow in vessels (Ex: insects) Closed Circulatory System: Blood flows in vessels (Ex: Earthworms, Humans)
Blood Vessels in Humans There are three types of vessels in humans Arteries, Veins and Capillaries Arteries- Carry oxygenated blood AWAY from the heart (A-away) Veins- Carry deoxygenated blood TOWARD the heart Capillaries- Connect arteries to veins
Blood Vessels
Artery Facts Arteries have the thickest walls Blood Pressure is measured here The blood pressure reading is: Systolic/Diastolic Ex: 120/70 (pumping/at rest) The bottom number should never exceed the top.
VEINS Veins carry deoxygenated blood back toward the heart. Vein Facts: Thinner and flatter than arteries Blood pressure is lower in veins They have valves which prevent backward flow of blood.
Capillaries Connect arteries to veins Allows for DIFFUSION of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Capillary Facts: Smallest/Microscopic vessel Without these blood could not be exchanged
Facts about BLOOD It is a tissue We can hold 5 liters It fights disease It Delivers: Digested Nutrients Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Water, Minerals and Vitamins
Components of Blood
Red Blood Cells (RBC) There are roughly 5,000,000 in one drop of blood. It carries and important protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen RBC’s major job is to transport oxygen
White Blood Cells There are about 8,000 in one drop There are five different types They protect the body from disease and they produce antibodies
Platelets They clot blood There are about 250,000 in a drop They use enzymes to help clot the blood
Plasma 90% water and 10% nutrients Made up of salt, water, vitamins It is the non living portion of the blood
Blood Diseases Sickle Cell Anemia – Affects RBC’s – Distorts the shape (crescent moons) – Missing hemoglobin which transports oxygen.
Hemophilia- – Missing platelets – Can’t Clot Blood – Enzyme reactions do not occur Leukemia Overproduction of abnormal WBC’s
BLOOD TYPES There are 4 blood types A, B, AB, O Who can give: A- A, AB B- B, AB AB- only AB (Universal Reciepient) O- To all (Universal Donor)
THE HEART The human heart has 4 chambers The Left side= oxygenated blood The right Side= deoxygenated blood COLLECTING CHAMBERS Left Atrium, Right Atrium PUMPING CHAMBERS Left Ventricle, Right Ventricle
Types of blood flow 1) Systemic Circulation- Blood flow between the heart and body 2) Pulmonary Circulation- Flow Between the heart and lungs.
Box Diagram