Marketing Your Online Courseware or It’s okay to make money while teaching!
Presented by: Dr. Arlita Harris Senior Marketing Specialist Center for Distributed Learning University of North Texas
Your Intellectual Property Rights Category I: Totally Faculty or Staff Generated Author owns IP Category II: Minimal UNT resources Author owns IP Category III: Substantial UNT resources Author owns IP Category IV: Work for hire UNT owns IP
Your department’s rights Meet with department chair and dean to determine: – IP category –Institutional resource commitment –Royalty allocation File IP forms
The Demand for Courseware Online courses/programs for UNT students Workforce training Certificates and certifications Life-long education Non-credit courses Credit courses for other universities International institutions
Agencies with whom we are working Project SAIL (first 4-year member) Western Governor’s University Monterey Institute Sloan Consortium JERGroup Learning House Southern Regional Education Board Texas Distance Education Others….
Project SAIL National network of community college and private institutions Specialized industry-driven programs Funded by Sloan Foundation No charge for listing asynchronous or hybrid courses Peer reviewed Providers and receiving institutions negotiate terms, cost, and delivery Markets nationally and internationally
Western Governors University Accredited online university Packages courses of other universities to create online degrees Their faculty are mentors and advisors WGU recruits, registers, and collects tuition and fees from their students. Our faculty would teach a WGU section and send the grades to WGU
Monterey Institute Hosts NROC (National Repository of Online Courses) and OCEP (Online Course Evaluation Project) Funded by William and Flora Hewlett Foundation NROC designs and produces online courses to distribute through members at little or no cost. OCEP compares and evaluates online courses (LING 3060 and HIST 2610)
Sloan Consortium Online degree and certification programs Available to members of the Sloan Consortium (UNT is a premium member) Peer reviewal of programs No charge for listing, but a membership is required. Sloan has approved and listed several of our totally online programs and certificates
JERGroup National distributor of online non-credit courses and certificate programs Mostly workforce training Buys courses at wholesale rate; then resells them on a revenue-sharing basis Very interested in UNT courses and certificates
Learning House Designs courses and creates online programs and online campuses for colleges and business Will develop course or use an existing course to meet needs of their clients
Southern Regional Education Board UNT lists online courses and programs in the SREB Electronic Campus Students and advisors from other universities access the database to locate courses Listings are free and are copied from UNTeCampus.
Texas Distance Education Free listing for Texas institutions Online programs and courses Maintained by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Under revision to be more user-friendly
Possible Licensing Models Open Seats Model UNT Faculty - Taught Model Partner Institution - Taught Model Partner Institution Teaches and Hosts Model Whatever else works for both partners….
Open Seats Model Partner institution recruits students Partner registers students for UNT courses UNT department sets maximum number of seats for partner institution in UNT section Partner institution pays $100 per semester hour per student Department shares royalties with IP holder
Partner institution recruits students Partner registers students for courses UNT sets minimum number of students Course looks like partner institution’s course Course content resides on UNT server Partner institution pays $100 per semester hour per student UNT department receives funds less $214 set-up- charge for CDL Department shares royalties with IP holder UNT Faculty-Taught Model
Partner Institution-Taught Model Partner institution recruits and registers students for their course Partner faculty teach course Course resides on UNT server Partner institution pays UNT $70 per semester hour per student UNT department receives funds less $214 set-up-charge for CDL Department shares 50/50 royalties with IP holder.
Partner Institution Teaches/Hosts Partner institution licenses course Course resides on partner institution’s server and is taught by their faculty Partner institution pays UNT $50 per SCH per student. Department shares 50/50 royalties with IP holder.
How to market YOUR course: Discuss with your department head Decide which models you would like to license (you may offer all) Think about any certificate programs or non-credit courses you might offer. Contact Arlita Harris to package and actively market your course or program.
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