1 OGSA-WG Use Cases 06/25/2003 Hiro Kishimoto, Ph.D. Fujitsu GGF8 OGSA-WG
2 OGSA-WG Charter and Scope 1.To produce and document the use cases that drive the definition and prioritization of OGSA Platform components, as well as document the rationale for our choices. 2.To identify and outline requirements for, and a prioritization of, OGSA Platform services. 3.… hosting environment and protocol bindings … 4.… models for resources and other important entities. 5.… interoperability requirements … 6.To define standard OGSA profiles, i.e., sets of OGSA components that meet specific requirements. … 7.To define relationships between GGF and other standards bodies activities … “The Open Grid Service Architecture Platform”, draft-ggf-ogsa-platform-2, Feb. 16, 2003
3 OGSA roadmap Commercial Data Center Data Sharing Data Management Analyze & Extract Evaluate & Prioritize OGSA-DAI OGSA-WG Existing or new WGs Dispatch Use cases Requirements (Functions) Mechanism (Services) DAIS-WG interface
4 Functions, Services, and Interfaces Function requirements High level requirements Important and apparently broadly relevant characteristics of Grid environments and applications Will be described in “OGSA Platform document” Services (implementations) Features and associated behaviors that provide the above functions Will be also described in “OGSA Platform document” Interfaces portType detailing the above services Actual Specifications that will be defined by the other WGs
5 OGSA Platform Services OGSI OGSA Platform services: registry, authorization, monitoring, Data mgmt, CMM, etc., etc. Transport Protocol Hosting Environment Host.Env. & Protocol Bindings More specialized & domain-specific services “The Open Grid Service Architecture Platform”, draft-ggf-ogsa-platform-2, Feb. 16, 2003
6 Outline Use cases for OGSA Science Grid Commercial Grid Grid Technologies Function requirements Platform services
7 OGSA Use Cases Science Grid National Fusion Collaboratory (Kate Keahey) Severe Storm Modeling (Dennis Gannon) Virtual Organization Grid Portal (Charles Severance) Commercial Grid Commercial Data Center (Hiro Kishimoto) IT Infrastructure and Management (Ravi Subramaniam) Online Media and Entertainment (Tan Lu) Grid Technologies Grid Resource Reseller (Jon MacLaren) Service-Based Distributed Query Processing (Nedim Alpdemir) Grid Workflow (Takuya Araki) See “Open Grid Service Architecture Use Cases” in detail
Kate Keahey OGSA WG use case8 National Fusion Collaboratory l Providing codes as “network services” u portability issues u provisioning issues u Different execution objectives l Real-time constraints (betw. Experimental pulses: ~15mins) l Batch jobs where accuracy is important l Pre-emption l Fusion Experiments u Pulses every minutes u QoS-based, time-critical execution l Objective u Run more codes in that critical time window u Reduce the time/cost to maintain the software
Kate Keahey OGSA WG use case9 NFC Scenario l Service Agreements (for time critical execution) l End-to-end QoS-driven execution l Combining and managing multiple activities l Adaptive capabilities to satisfy composite QoS Meta-data describes resource capabilities as well as multiple, differently configured service installations TRANSP Factory Execution Broker Submit a job with end-to-end QoS constraints Client’s view:Service Provider’s view: Data Source (MDSplus) (1) (2) (3)
Kate Keahey OGSA WG use case10 NFC Requirements l Fusion codes as “network services” u Time-bounded execution l Agreement-based execution l Use policies l Flexible delegation of rights u Delegating a subset of rights based on need l Community accreditation u “dynamic accounts”
11 Commercial Data Center Managing data centers for enterprises Out-sourcing the IT component of their business Actors Business activity manger Providing the specific IT services, e.g. Tickets sales Grid Administrator Managing and providing IT resources IT System Integrator Constructing heterogeneous systems
12 Commercial Data Center CDC infrastructure Business Activity Manager Grid Administrator Business Activity IT system Business Activity Manager needs Scalable and reliable platform at low cost End user level QoS Grid Administrator wants High utilization of resources Policy based management IT System Integrator wants Reduce complexity of dist. and hetero system Responding to frequent service spec. changes IT System Integrator
13 CDC Scenarios Multiple in-house systems Consolidate In-house systems and allocate resource on- demand reduces cost and increases resource utilization Limited time commercial Campaign Provide necessary resource on demand E.g. concert ticket sales, sales promotion Champaign Disaster recovery Provide a standard disaster recovery framework across remote CDCs at low cost Global load balancing Remote CDCs can share workload and provide scalability
14 Online Media and Entertainment Two main categories of entertainment Consumption of content with less user interaction E.g. video on demand Interaction with content E.g. online games Very important to guarantee response times Roles of actors: A consumer who consumes the content A service provider that hosts the content A publisher that offers the content A developer that consumes the Content.
15 Provisioning for On-line media On-line games’ workloads are very close to uniform sinusoidal waves Typical server farms are still only about 20% utilized Providers should use just enough capacity to meet the required service level agreements Predictive and Reactionary fashion
16 Provisioning Management Game/ GW Server Resource Service Gateway Server Proxy Servers Free Server DB Servers ODRM server (WebSphere) eUtility Infrastructure Server Resource Manager Server Resource Services Server Instantiation Service Network Configuration Service Free Servers Assist Server Assist Server Game Server additional gamers Resource Monitoring add and remove server
17 Grid Resource Reseller Use Case The end-user approaches the resource provider(s) directly In a “Grid Economy” resources can be purchased freely Problem: providers (e.g. supercomputer cycles) may have to deal with thousands of customers each day. Solution: the introduction of resellers provides a scalable solution with additional advantages. Same idea as the resellers already exist Mobile phone network providers Internet access providers.
18 Grid Resource Reseller Use Case: Scalability in a Grid Economy Many, many usersA few resellers Large Resources
19 Advantages of Grid Resource Reseller For Resource Providers: Relieved of burden of supporting many users Stabilized income (due to stable resource usage) Need to advertise resources is reduced For Resellers: Make money from the Grid without owning any resources, and hence very little risk For End Users: Can get all their resources from a single (or at least fewer) sources Insulated from need to search for resources by the resellers N.B. Creates hard requirements for Policy in OGSA
20 Outline Use cases for OGSA Function requirements Basic functions Security functions Resource management functions System properties Platform services
21 OGSA Basic Functions Discovery and brokering Metering and accounting Data sharing Virtual organizations Monitoring Policy “The Open Grid Service Architecture Platform”, draft-ggf-ogsa-platform-2, Feb. 16, 2003
22 Use case x Function Matrix usecase Discoveryxxxxxxxx Meteringxxxxx Data Sharingxxxxxx VOxxx Monitoringxxxxxx Policyxxxxxxxx OGSA Basic Functions Pink cell indicates difference between use case requirement and “The OGSA Platform” document definition
23 OGSA Use Cases 1.Commercial Data Center 2.IT Infrastructure and Management 3.National Fusion Collaboratory 4.Severe Storm Modeling 5.Virtual Organization Grid Portal 6.Online Media and Entertainment 7.Service-Based Distributed Query Processing 8.Grid Workflow 9.Grid Resource Reseller See “Open Grid Service Architecture Use Cases” in detail
24 Matrix Example: Metering and accounting function Definition from “platform document” Applications and schemas for metering, auditing and billing Commercial Data Center During job execution, the metering service keeps track of resource usage. The information is passed to the accounting service. IT infrastructure and Management Metering: Record the usage and duration; esp. meter the usage of licenses. Auditing: Audit usage and application profile on machine Billing: Based on metering bill the user. Service-Based Distributed Query Processing SB-DQP can potentially use many GDSs and other grid and web services. Each of these may have its own impact on the overall billing cost SB-DQP must be able to integrate into metering, accounting and billing mechanisms employed by other participating data sources and/or services Grid Resource Reseller Different charging schemes should co-exist in OGSA Platform. The accounting systems to operate autonomously for the vast majority of circumstances
25 OGSA Security Functions Multiple security infrastructures. Perimeter security solutions. Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Encryption Application and Network-level Firewalls. Instantiate new services Service Level Management Certification Pink-underlined functions are needed by use case(s) but are not mentioned in the “The OGSA Platform” document
26 Resource management functions Provisioning. Resource virtualization. Optimization of resource usage while meeting cost targets Transport management. Usage models management and monitoring CPU scavenging Advanced Reservation Scheduling Load balancing Notification/Messaging Logging Workflow management Pink-underlined functions are needed by use case(s) but are not mentioned in the “The OGSA Platform” document
27 System Properties Fault tolerance. Disaster Recovery. The self-healing capabilities Strong monitoring Legacy application management. Administration. Agreement-based interation. Grouping / Aggregation of Services -- based on policy and functional requirements Workload Management Extended Service Level Agreements Pink-underlined functions are needed by use case(s) but are not mentioned in the “The OGSA Platform” document
28 Outline Use cases for OGSA Function requirements Platform services List of services Use case x service matrix
29 Platform Services Name resolution and discovery Service domains. Security. Encryption Policy. Data management. Messaging, queuing, and logging. Events. Metering and accounting. Transaction Pink-underlined service is needed by use case(s) but are not mentioned in the “The OGSA Platform” document Service orchestration Administration Provisioning and resource mgmt Reservation Brokering Scheduling Fault handling Monitoring Deployment Web-service access interfaces
30 Use case x Service Matrix usecase Name resolution xxxxxxx Service domain xxx Security xxxxxxx Encryption x Policy xxxxxxx Data mgmt xxxxx Brokering xxxxx Pink rows indicate missing services and Pink cell indicates difference between use case requirement and “The OGSA Platform” document definition
31 Matrix example: Brokering Definition (by SD-WG*) Performs resource quoting or resource discovery and selection based on various strategies, assigns application task(s) to those resources Commercial Data Center This is used for brokering IT infrastructure and Management It is used for resource selector Severe Storm Modeling Compute and data resource brokering services. Scheduling and co- scheduling services will be needed. Online Media and Entertainment Grid Resource Reseller Brokering functionality is required. The policy matching aspects of this are probably to be handled by the Policy interface. * “Grid Scheduling Dictionary of Terms and Keywords” (SD-WG)
32 Matrix example: Job Submission Definition (modify SD-WG definition*) Placing a job into a Queue for reservation or execution Commercial Data Center Job submission authorization Standard Job submission description (include resource request) is necessary JSDL-WG Standard archive format for program, parameters, and data are also essential. ???-WG * “Grid Scheduling Dictionary of Terms and Keywords” (SD-WG)
33 Call to Action The current list of Grid use cases is incomplete and use case descriptions are unequal Function and service discussion is just started Provide your use cases E.g. Physics Data Grid use case Give more detailed and prioritized requirements to identify functions Input your thought to identify and prioritize important services
34 Next Steps Use cases Collect and refine use case descriptions Final draft of use case document hopefully at GGF9 Requirements and services Analyze and extract requirements from use cases Evaluate and prioritize platform services Update and submit OGSA platform document hopefully at GGF9 Build “spec creation process” consensus and initiate Weekly tele-conference on Thursday 4pm CDT Interim F2F meeting in Summer