Saxon Weald Transforming our scheme manager service through a lean approach Kath Hicks, Housing Director
Who are Saxon Weald? Housing association In Horsham, West Sussex formed in affordable properties for people in housing need USP - local market leader in older people’s housing, over 40 schemes, 30% of stock Developed 10 extra care schemes in 9 years – capitalised on DH and old SHG funding
Our scheme manager service Enabling independence and helping residents improve their quality of life – support not care Delivered by team of 40 scheme managers based at schemes Historically was majority funded through government’s Supporting People Therefore been exposed to political change and public sector funding cuts
Our customers Disability or long term life limiting illness Age Benefit dependency
Why a lean review? The problem……… 40% cut in funding from 2012/13 to 2013/14 - restructure and staff cuts Staff unclear about key purpose – many still working to old practices Support planning was not actually delvering support! Inadequate systems – reliance on paper, duplication, inconsistency, inability to measure or record Future cuts inevitable – need efficiency and innovation
Why a lean review? ……..the solution! Improvement needed but solutions not obvious Scale of project required a robust structure and pace Customer centred approach Putting front line staff and managers at the heart of any change was vital
The process
Identified solutions Identified 3 key improvements; 1)New way of support planning 2)New ways of storing and accessing information 3)Integration of lean techniques into daily activity
Key improvement 1 Changing how we deliver support Before Reactive Paper systems Duplication Treated everyone the same Inflexible Not much time for people What did it achieve? After Proactive IT systems effective and efficient Tailored, person-centred and flexible support Treat people as individuals Can measure success
New Support Plan – Flow Chart
Key improvement 2 Transforming how we store and access information Before Lots of paper Information in different areas Lots of duplication Time wasted in trying to find the right information Inaccurate information Problems with version control No access to performance data After Paper gone Effective IT solution No duplication Quick and easy Informative, accurate documents Saves time One stop shop No version control issues Access to real time performance data for everyone in the team
Key improvement 3 Using lean techniques Information centre – visual management tool Ideas and concerns slips – continuous improvement and listening to staff Managers trained in lean techniques to support on going improvement
Case studies Ron says: With Alison giving me time I know all my paperwork is dealt with in a timely way and I have managed to save money on my energy bills. Other Scheme Managers that cover give me the same support Alison does.
Case studies Bob says: ‘’I get more exercise than I used to. I enjoy our visits and have time to share things when I feel upset or worried’’
‘What new way of working means to me’ – a scheme manager perspective Ability to keep track of own performance with instant access to KPI information for the scheme and the team I work in Freeing up time to: provide personalised support to people that need it help residents set up new activities be involved in different projects Have more focus on each aspect of my role through the information centre i.e. what the weeks priority is (void, rent arrears, number of planned visits v re-active, outstanding issues/concerns)
Comments from front line staff! “I am really proud of what we have achieved – of designing the future way of working.” ‘’For the first time in my job, I can really see the difference we are able to make’’ “Planned visits are really fulfilling. You feel as if you have really achieved something – makes you focus on the tenant.” “I love the new way of working. It frees up time to provide support to those who need it.” “The new support plan captures all support, as it happens….” ‘’The Information Centre is really useful from a cover point of view.” re Information Centre “It has a purpose and it works, it shows my part in the bigger picture”
Project outcomes achieved Improved customer experience Improved staff performance and job satisfaction (time management, clear purpose, less frustration, consistency, making a difference) Helped develop culture of performance management (better management tools, better resource management, monitoring and reporting) Efficiency and cost savings (less waste, less duplication)
Our top tips for success in a business review! Make time Staff who do the job are your most valuable asset The partnership with Ad-esse was key – be open to challenge but keep your values and identity close Test before launch – give your people confidence