ILM Level 3 Award Managing Customer Service (M3.08) Providing Quality to Customers (M3.19) Rebecca Johnson Corporate Learning & Development
Aim To develop knowledge and understanding of meeting customer needs as required by a practising or potential FLM To develop knowledge & understanding of providing quality to customers as required by a practising or potential FLM
Objectives (M3.08) Identify internal & external customers to the organisation Describe how customer care needs are identified and met Explain how customer service could be monitored against the standards set Briefly describe at least 2 legal rights of customers Briefly describe two of the organisation’s commitments to customer service and the manager’s responsibilities in succeeding By the end of the session you will be able to:
Objectives (M3.19) Explain why quality is important Explain what is meant by TQM Explain the difference between design & process quality standards Identify one example of the cost of quality in the workplace Briefly describe the quality system used by CCC By the end of the session you will be able to:
Tools/Techniques for Identifying Customer Needs PDR’s Coaching sessions Feedback Evaluation forms Surveys Questionnaires Focus groups Consultation Suggestion schemes
Setting & Monitoring Standards Identify customer needs Set service/product standards Monitor service/product against standards Identify ways in which standards not met Improve service/product quality (so that standards met)
Customer Service ATTITUDE BEHAVIOUR COMPETENCE The quality of customer service depends entirely on human factors. These can be summed up as the ABC of customer service.
Writing Standards - summary Based on needs of customer Unambiguous Achievable within the available resources Agreed with staff who will have to achieve them
Measuring Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction surveys Reduction/increase in number of complaints Mystery shoppers Backlogs Quality audits Monitoring production/turnover Performance management systems Benchmarking
Key Skills Ability to build rapport Listening skills Questioning techniques Communication skills Ability to check understanding Empathy Non-verbal communication Right attitude
Solving Customer Problems 1.Build rapport 2.Gather the facts 3.Discuss solutions 4.Take action These 4 key steps can help when dealing with customers’ problems:
Legal Rights of Customers Law of contract Sale of goods and services Trade descriptions
Legal Implications of Organisational Commitments Contract terms Warranties and guarantees Service standards
5 Types of Quality Transcendent approach Manufacturing-based approach User-based approach Product-based approach Value-based approach Source: David Garvin (1984)
Customer approach to quality ‘Quality is consistent conformance to customers’ expectations’. Slack et al (2001) BUT Customers’ expectations can differ Expectations & perceptions are not the same thing
Key Dimensions to Quality Excellence (however subjective) Setting specifications & standards Measurability Value for money Customer focus
Total Quality Management ‘An effective system for integrating the quality development, quality maintenance & quality improvement efforts of the various groups in an organisation so as to enable production & service at the most economical levels which allow for full customer satisfaction’ Feigenbaum (1986) ‘… it involves everyone in an organisation & associated business processes co-operating to furnish products & services to meet their customers’ needs & expectations’. Dale & Cooper (1992)
Key Themes/Concepts of TQM Meeting needs of internal/external customers Covering everyone in the organisation Continuous improvement Teamwork Top management commitment Development of quality systems, standards, measures & tools
Benefits of Quality Happy customers Improves productivity Improve profitability Direct focus to key issues eg sustainability or health & safety.
The 4 Stages of TQM Source: Slack et al. (2001)
Systems & Standards: ISO 9000 Series Developed by International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) ISO standards try to harmonise quality standards throughout world The beginning and not the end of quality management. Cover a number of areas
The ISO 9000 Series ISO 9000 – quality management & quality assurance standards. Guidelines for selection & use. ISO 9001 – quality assurance in design/dev, production, installation & servicing. ISO 9002 – quality assurance in production & installation. ISO 9003 – quality assurance in final inspection & test. ISO 9004 – quality management & quality systems elements: guidelines.
Systems & Standards: EFQM excellence model Devised by European Foundation for Quality Management (1988) Based on quality in 9 areas - leadership - policy & strategy - people - partners & resources - processes - customer results - people results - society results - key performance results
Systems & Standards: IiP A business improvement tool designed to advance an organisation's performance through its people Mirrors the business planning cycle (Plan, Do, Review),
Benefits of IiP: to organisations Improved customer satisfaction Improved motivation Improved productivity Reduced costs and wastage Enhanced quality Competitive advantage Public recognition Opportunity to review current policies & practices A framework for planning future strategy and action A structured way to improve effectiveness of T&D activities
Benefits of IiP: to employees Good working environment Recognition and development Pride in being part of a successful organisation Good quality training when required Improved job satisfaction Better communication Skill & career development opportunities Increased responsibility and involvement Health and safety gains
Tools for Quality Pareto analysis – which are the big problems? Cause & effect diagrams – what causes problems? Stratification – how is the data made up? Check sheets – how often it occurs/is done? Histograms – what do overall variations look like? Scatter charts – what are r/ships between factors? Process control charts – which variations to control and how?
Objectives (M3.08) Identify internal & external customers to the organisation Describe how customer care needs are identified and met Explain how customer service could be monitored against the standards set Briefly describe at least 2 legal rights of customers Briefly describe two of the organisation’s commitments to customer service and the manager’s responsibilities in succeeding By the end of the session you will be able to:
Objectives (M3.19) Explain why quality is important Explain what is meant by TQM Explain the difference between design & process quality standards Identify one example of the cost of quality in the workplace Briefly describe the quality system used by CCC By the end of the session you will be able to: