TEEN LIVING 1.01 Outline factors and strategies that promote personal development
Physical/ Exercise ◦Because our body is designed for movement, it needs regular exercise ◦Benefits of exercising: ◦Increased strength ◦Increased endurance ◦Increase alertness ◦Release of tension ◦Weight control ◦Sleep better ◦Better mood ◦Increase flexibility ◦Relieves stress and depression How much exercise do you need?
Exercise ◦Our body needs minutes of exercise per day ◦Our body need exercise 3-5 times per week ◦Endurance: increase your breathing and heart rate. Helps keep your heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy and improve your overall fitness. ◦ What exercise can help improve endurance? Running, swimming ◦Strength: make your muscles stronger ◦What exercises can help increase strength? Lifting weights ◦Balance: Helps prevent falls ◦What exercise can help your balance? Yoga ◦Flexibility: stretching your muscles and help your body stay limber ◦What exercise can help increase your flexibility? Yoga
Physical/ Nutrition
Nutrition ◦Having Healthy Habits ◦Reduces the risk of weight problems, heart disease, diabetes and some cancers ◦Live longer ◦Helps prevent illness ◦Keeps skin looking well ◦Healthy Foods: ◦Fruits ◦Vegetables ◦Having Unhealthy Habits ◦Increase weight gain ◦Increase heart issues: High blood pressure ◦Leads to an earlier death ◦Unhealthy Foods: ◦Processed/packaged foods ◦Fast foods ◦Fried foods ◦Unhealthy Food ListUnhealthy Food List
Safety ◦How can risks be avoided? ◦Being prepared: you are much less likely to get hurt if you know the potential risks in different situations. ◦Resisting pressures: Don’t be afraid to make your own decisions ◦Staying alert: most accidents and risks occur when the person is not paying attention ◦Staying within your limits: be realistic about your physical condition Safety Reports/Stats: ◦~66% of passengers do not wear seatbelts ◦Last year 23% of auto collisions were caused because of texting and driving ◦Be Aware, Be Prepared, and Make good choices!
Sleep/Rest ◦Along with exercise your body need rest. ◦How much rest should you get on a daily basis? ◦Your body needs 8-10 hours of rest per night ◦Rest allows your body to repair and revitalize itself. ◦In order for your brain to make connections and learn, it has to have rest ◦Getting enough rest helps your body and skin feel and look better
Stress ◦Stress is defined as “the body’s response to being overwhelmed by responsibility and demands” ◦You can have stress from both positive things as well as negative things. ◦Positive: going on first date ◦Negative: preparing for a big exam ◦How can you relieve stress?? ◦By exercising ◦Making time for yourself ◦Talking to someone ◦Be realistic ◦Learn from experiences and learn to say no
Intellectual/Emotional ◦What is self esteem? Is the way you feel about your image ◦It is the value and importance you put on yourself ◦It can be both high and low or anywhere in-between ◦What can effect your self-esteem.. ◦Your success ◦How you reflect on your strengths and weakness ◦The way people react to you ◦Why does self-esteem matter? ◦When you feel good about yourself you have more confidence ◦You believe that you can be successful ◦More willing to try new things
Ways to boost Self Esteem ◦Learn to accept praise: when someone gives you a compliment, don’t put yourself or your accomplishment down. People will praise you because they feel you deserve it. ◦Focus on your strengths: to remind yourself on things you do well you should write down your strengths and talents. ◦Accept yourself as you are: Accept the fact that you are not perfect and you have some faults. ◦Learn from what you do: See your mistakes as a learning experience and don’t label yourself as a failure. ◦Use your strengths to help others: Immerse yourself in groups that utilize your strengths, this in return will help you feel good about yourself. ◦Take responsibility for your own life: Learn to deal with all of life's demands. Managing your life will make you feel good about yourself.
Hobbies/Leisure Activities ◦Take a 6 minutes with the person sitting next to you and brainstorm different hobbies you could or do partake in…
Social/ Community ◦Three components to your personality: emotional, social and intellectual ◦Emotional: what type of emotions do you feel? Sadness, fear, happiness pain ◦Social: do you prefer to be alone or surround yourself with others ◦Intellectual: based on your mind and how it work
Study Skill ◦Organization skills: what are some ways to help you stay organized?? ◦Make goals and plans ◦Tackle each goal one at a time ◦Keep everything in a place ◦Have area clean and tidy ◦Do your homework every night ◦Come to class with prepared items ◦Try to be on time ◦Avoid absences ◦Keep a detailed schedule
Study Skills ◦What kind of tools help you have manage your time while studying? ◦Having a detailed calendar ◦Making schedule ◦Making to do list ◦Procrastination: the act of delaying or postponing something ◦Ways to overcome procrastination: eliminate the fear of failure, break down projects into smaller segments, recognize the onset of procrastination, eliminate distractions, reward yourself ◦Over commitment: to obligate (as oneself) beyond the ability for fulfillment, to allocate (resources) in excess of the capacity for replenishment ◦How can you overcome over commitment: Being realistic of what can be accomplished
Study Skills ◦Strategies to over come obstacles: ◦Prioritizing things from most important to least important ◦Dovetailing: joining things together ◦Flexibility: to adapt to change ◦Listening is cognitive act of paying attention that requires you to think ◦Note Taking: Notes should consist of key words or very short sentences. As a speaker gets sidetracked, it is often possible to go back and add further information. ◦Take accurate notes. You should use your own words, but try not to change the meaning. If you quote directly from the author, quote correctly. ◦Think a minute about the material before you start making notes. Don't take notes just to be taking notes! Take notes that will be of real value to you when you review them at a later date. ◦Test Taking: come in prepared by bringing required materials, eat a good meal before, get plenty of rest the night before
Work Place ◦Job Satisfaction: the extent in which people like or dislike their job ◦Relationships: good workplace relationships can help you do a better job ◦How to help gain better workplace relationships: be friendly towards co-workers, be responsible, understand that everyone is unique and different, accept differences, rise above gossip, communicate with others ◦Harassment: Under the Fair Employment Law harassment in the workplace may be illegal under two circumstances. The first is when an employer, supervisor or co-worker singles a person out for harassment because of that person’s race, color, creed, ancestry, national origin, age (40 and up), disability, sex, arrest or conviction record, marital status, sexual orientation or military services. The second situation is when the content of the harassment itself relates directly to any of these protected characteristics (i.e. sexual harassment, use of derogatory ethnic or religious terms, age or disability related comments, etc.) ◦3 types of harassment: Verbal, non-verbal and physical ◦Verbal: inappropriate jokes, demeaning comments and making comments about a persons body ◦Non-verbal: making gestures, inappropriate gifts ◦Physical: touching, hugging, kissing, brushing up against someone
Character ◦Character is defined as the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual ◦There are 7 different Character traits one can posses. ◦Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility, Tolerance and Trustworthiness ◦In Small groups work together to define each of the traits listed above. ◦You will also need to work in your small groups to come up with ways to act out each trait.